Qt: Replace $HOME with ~ in window title %F variable
[metze/wireshark/wip.git] / .travis.yml
1 language: cpp
2 sudo: required
3 dist: trusty
4 os:
5   - osx
6   - linux
7 compiler:
8   - clang
9   - gcc
10 env:
11  - PCAP=ON
12  - PCAP=OFF
13 matrix:
14   exclude:
15   # Exclude gcc build (Need some work) with osx
16   - os: osx
17     compiler: gcc
18 addons:
19   apt:
20     update: true
21     sources:
22     - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
23     - llvm-toolchain-trusty-5.0
24     - sourceline: 'ppa:wireshark-dev/stable'
25     packages:
26     - g++-8
27     - clang-5.0
28 before_install:
29   - echo $TRAVIS_OS_NAME
30   # macos
31   - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then ./tools/macos-setup-brew.sh; fi
32   # linux
33   - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]; then if [ "$CXX" == "g++" ]; then export CXX="g++-8" CC="gcc-8"; fi ; fi
34   - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]; then sudo ./tools/debian-setup.sh --install-optional -qq; fi
35   - $CC --version
36 before_script:
37   - sudo gem install asciidoctor --no-ri --no-rdoc
38   - mkdir build
39   - cd build
40   - cmake -GNinja -DENABLE_PCAP=${PCAP} ..
41 script:
42   - ninja
43   - if [ "$PCAP" == "ON" ]; then ninja test-programs && ninja test; fi