bzr-svn 0.4 UNRELEASED BUG FIXES * Non-ascii characters in file ids are now supported (fixes imports of the Python repository). * Fixed error raised during version incompatibility. (Wouter van Heyst, #80467) * Implemented Repository.get_revision_graph(None) * svn-import will no longer spin using CPU if the target directory did not exist (#80223). * Remove branches when they are being replaced. Fixes DivergedBranches error when using svn-import (#81908). * Support true push (#80612). * Support commits in heavy checkouts (#79330). IMPROVEMENTS PERFORMANCE * do_update() is now used to find the contents of a directory recursively. This should reduce the number of roundtrips significantly when finding file id mappings. bzr-svn 0.3.4 UNRELEASED BUG FIXES * Check for a working pysqlite, rather than checking that the first one found works. (#115026) bzr-svn 0.3.3 2007-04-29 IMPROVEMENTS * Fix compatibility with 0.16 (#110164) * Don't do extra checkout before push if possible. (#91885) * Set parent URLs in svn-import. (#94406) * Don't show "not updating working tree" warnings when pushing. bzr-svn 0.3.2 2007-03-13 BUG FIXES * Fix compatibility with Bazaar 0.15. * Check for parent paths moving as well in LogWalker.find_latest_change(). Fixes #84087. * Handle unicode characters in commit messages. Fixes #85551. * Handle unicode characters in filenames (#54736) bzr-svn 0.3.1 2007-01-31 BUG FIXES * Warning given when the version of python-subversion is not patched is now fixed. (Wouter van Heyst) IMPROVEMENTS * A proper warning will now be printed if no sqlite implementation is available. * Working tree copies will be disabled if the version of python-subversion is too old. bzr-svn 0.3.0 2007-01-16 BUG FIXES * Use checksums for the path in case the file id is too long. (#77453) * Don't rely on listdir() kind results. Fixes imports of several repositories. (#56647) * Fixed two problems with replaces that are nested. * Branch downgrades and dir upgrades are now recognized properly (#67010). * Supported branching schemes other that trunk-0. * Properly recognize discontinued branches. (#76823) * Switched to storing data in SQLite. (#74798) * Locks ra transports. (#76280) * Use built-in ra callbacks from Subversion. (#64816) * Implement SvnRaTransport.mkdir(). (#65138) * Avoid raising SubversionException's for non-subversion directories. * Remove requirement for svn+ prefix. (#75751) * Don't consider SvnRepositories for writing for regular Bazaar branches. (#77023) * Don't try to import files as branches. * Store file id map when committing to Subversion. (#54738) * Support spaces in filenames in working trees. IMPROVEMENTS * Implemented SvnRepository.all_revision_ids(). * Proper ProgressBars. * Made `to_location' argument for svn-import optional. * Removed unused code. * Several attempts to reduce memory usage. * The LogWalker class is now a lot dumber. * Added --scheme and --all options to svn-import. * Implemented SvnRaTransport.list_dir(). * Conversion output can now be on a remote transport. * Upgrade command can be used to upgrade branches created with older versions of the plugin. * Fail early when unpatched python Subversion bindings are installed. PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS * More efficient implementation of follow_history(). * Split out follow_branch_history() of follow_branch(). * Reduced number of remote listdir calls. * Only determine file ids for changed files. Reduces disk usage significantly. bzr-svn 0.2 2006-12-14 BUG FIXES * Fixed "KeyError" problems (#64831) * Fixed compatibility with Bazaar 0.13. * Fixed "bzr checkout" and "bzr checkout --lightweight" for svn branches. (#65220) * Don't fetch revision info until necessary. (#64850) * Don't try to open remote checkouts. (#67281) * Escape control codes in commit messages. (#54736) IMPROVEMENTS * Add repository format for Subversion repositories. * Plugin directory no longer needs to be named 'svn' * Warn about incompatible Bazaar versions (#66993) bzr-svn 0.1 Initial release.