================================================================== Bazaar is using a lot of memory accessing a Subversion repository! ================================================================== bzr-svn can use a lot of memory cloning big branches. The problem appears to be caused both by a memory leak in the python-subversion bindings or Subversion (the svn_ra_get_log() function) and the memory overhead from Bazaar. The easiest way to work around this problem is to Ctrl+C the branch operation and restart it. More information can be found in the bug report at https://launchpad.net/bugs/54253 ============================================================================== I am unable to access a repository that requires user/password authentication. ============================================================================== bzr-svn doesn't support prompting for passwords yet, but it can use passwords cached by Subversion. Subversion can be forced to cache the password by accessing the repository using the Subversion command-line client. For example, try running 'svn info '. ============================================================================== Trying to branch into repository gives prints an error about incompatibility: bzr: ERROR: Repository KnitRepository is not compatible with repository SvnRepository ============================================================================== bzr-svn requires a repository format that supports recording root file ids. To upgrade the repository, run: $ bzr upgrade --dirstate-with-subtree ============================================================================== Pushing a branch that didn't exist in Subversion yet with `bzr push` fails. ============================================================================== At the moment, only `bzr svn-push` can be used to push new branches into Subversion.