0.4.2 UNRELEASED BUG FIXES * Support custom fields in commits. 0.4.1 2010-01-03 FEATURES * Add ObjectStore.iter_tree_contents() * Add Index.changes_from_tree() * Add ObjectStore.tree_changes() * Add functionality for writing patches in dulwich.patch. 0.4.0 2009-10-07 DOCUMENTATION * Added tutorial. API CHANGES * dulwich.object_store.tree_lookup_path will now return the mode and sha of the object found rather than the object itself. BUG FIXES * Use binascii.hexlify / binascii.unhexlify for better performance. * Cope with extra unknown data in index files by ignoring it (for now). * Add proper error message when server unexpectedly hangs up. (#415843) * Correctly write opcode for equal in create_delta. 0.3.3 2009-07-23 FEATURES * Implement ShaFile.__hash__(). * Implement Tree.__len__() BUG FIXES * Check for 'objects' and 'refs' directories when looking for a Git repository. (#380818) 0.3.2 2009-05-20 BUG FIXES * Support the encoding field in Commits. * Some Windows compatibility fixes. * Fixed several issues in commit support. FEATURES * Basic support for handling submodules. 0.3.1 2009-05-13 FEATURES * Implemented Repo.__getitem__, Repo.__setitem__ and Repo.__delitem__ to access content. API CHANGES * Removed Repo.set_ref, Repo.remove_ref, Repo.tags, Repo.get_refs and Repo.heads in favor of Repo.refs, a dictionary-like object for accessing refs. BUG FIXES * Removed import of 'sha' module in objects.py, which was causing deprecation warnings on Python 2.6. 0.3.0 2009-05-10 FEATURES * A new function `commit_tree' has been added that can commit a tree based on an index. BUG FIXES * The memory usage when generating indexes has been significantly reduced. * A memory leak in the C implementation of parse_tree has been fixed. * The send-pack smart server command now works. (Thanks Scott Chacon) * The handling of short timestamps (less than 10 digits) has been fixed. * The handling of timezones has been fixed. 0.2.1 2009-04-30 BUG FIXES * Fix compatibility with Python2.4. 0.2.0 2009-04-30 FEATURES * Support for activity reporting in smart protocol client. * Optional C extensions for better performance in a couple of places that are performance-critical. 0.1.1 2009-03-13 BUG FIXES * Fixed regression in Repo.find_missing_objects() * Don't fetch ^{} objects from remote hosts, as requesting them causes a hangup. * Always write pack to disk completely before calculating checksum. FEATURES * Allow disabling thin packs when talking to remote hosts. 0.1.0 2009-01-24 * Initial release.