# Config file for Calypso - A simple calendar server # # Place it into /etc/calypso/config (global) # or ~/.config/calypso/config (user) # # The current values are the default ones [server] # CalDAV server hostname, empty for all hostnames host = # CalDAV server port port = 5233 # Daemon flag daemon = False # SSL flag, enable HTTPS protocol ssl = False # SSL certificate path (if needed) certificate = /etc/apache2/ssl/server.crt # SSL private key (if needed) key = /etc/apache2/ssl/server.key # File to store the PID of the running calypso instance # pidfile = /var/run/calypso.pid # current user principal; path to the default collection for a user # for clients that use it (RFC5397) user_principal = /+%(user)s # base URL if / is not the CalDAV root base_prefix = / [encoding] # Encoding for responding requests request = utf-8 # Encoding for storing local calendars stock = utf-8 [acl] # Access method # Value: fake | htpasswd | pam type = fake # Personal calendars only available for logged in users (if needed) personal = False # Htpasswd filename (if needed) filename = /etc/calypso/users # Htpasswd encryption method (if needed) # Value: plain | sha1 | crypt encryption = crypt # PAM service to use for authentication # pam_service = passwd [storage] # Folder for storing local calendars, # created if not present folder = ~/.config/calypso/calendars # The headers section allows verbatim addition of static headers to # responses. The following exemplary headers are useful when the calendar # should be accessed from users' web browsers using a web application hosted on # a different server. # #[headers] #Access-Control-Allow-Origin = * #Access-Control-Allow-Credentials = * #Access-Control-Allow-Methods = GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PROPFIND, REPORT #Access-Control-Allow-Headers = accept, authorization, content-type, depth, x-client, if-match, if-none-match # vim:ft=cfg