correct ambiguities pointed out by Thomas Bork
[jra/samba/.git] / docs / db2latex-xslt-strict.diff
1 This patch removes a duplicate template from db2latex that was being 
2 included (violates strict XSLT, something newer versions of xsltproc don't like)
4 Looks like upstream is inactive for over a year, so I'm putting this quick fix 
5 here for now.
7 --- db2latex-xsl-0.8pre1+20050310/xsl/common/common.xsl 2005-03-10 23:09:55.639189152 +0100
8 +++ db2latex-xsl-0.8pre1+20050310/xsl/common/common.xsl 2005-03-10 23:10:50.762690340 +0100
9 @@ -356,89 +356,6 @@
10    <xsl:value-of select="count($anc.divs) + number($section.level)"/>
11  </xsl:template>
13 -<xsl:template name="question.answer.label">
14 -  <xsl:variable name="deflabel">
15 -    <xsl:choose>
16 -      <xsl:when test="ancestor-or-self::*[@defaultlabel]">
17 -        <xsl:value-of select="(ancestor-or-self::*[@defaultlabel])[last()]
18 -                              /@defaultlabel"/>
19 -      </xsl:when>
20 -      <xsl:otherwise>
21 -        <xsl:value-of select="$qanda.defaultlabel"/>
22 -      </xsl:otherwise>
23 -    </xsl:choose>
24 -  </xsl:variable>
25 -
26 -  <xsl:variable name="label" select="@label"/>
27 -
28 -<!--
29 - (hnr      (hierarchical-number-recursive (normalize "qandadiv") node))
30 -
31 -        (parsect  (ancestor-member node (section-element-list)))
32 -
33 -        (defnum   (if (and %qanda-inherit-numeration% 
34 -                           %section-autolabel%)
35 -                      (if (node-list-empty? parsect)
36 -                          (section-autolabel-prefix node)
37 -                          (section-autolabel parsect))
38 -                      ""))
39 -
40 -        (hnumber  (let loop ((numlist hnr) (number defnum) 
41 -                             (sep (if (equal? defnum "") "" ".")))
42 -                    (if (null? numlist)
43 -                        number
44 -                        (loop (cdr numlist) 
45 -                              (string-append number
46 -                                             sep
47 -                                             (number->string (car numlist)))
48 -                              "."))))
49 -        (cnumber  (child-number (parent node)))
50 -        (number   (string-append hnumber 
51 -                                 (if (equal? hnumber "")
52 -                                     ""
53 -                                     ".")
54 -                                 (number->string cnumber))))
55 --->
56 -
57 -  <xsl:choose>
58 -    <xsl:when test="$deflabel = 'qanda'">
59 -      <xsl:call-template name="gentext">
60 -        <xsl:with-param name="key">
61 -          <xsl:choose>
62 -            <xsl:when test="local-name(.) = 'question'">question</xsl:when>
63 -            <xsl:when test="local-name(.) = 'answer'">answer</xsl:when>
64 -            <xsl:when test="local-name(.) = 'qandadiv'">qandadiv</xsl:when>
65 -            <xsl:otherwise>qandaset</xsl:otherwise>
66 -          </xsl:choose>
67 -        </xsl:with-param>
68 -      </xsl:call-template>
69 -    </xsl:when>
70 -    <xsl:when test="$deflabel = 'label'">
71 -      <xsl:value-of select="$label"/>
72 -    </xsl:when>
73 -    <xsl:when test="$deflabel = 'number'
74 -                    and local-name(.) = 'question'">
75 -      <xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor::qandaset[1]"
76 -                           mode="number"/>
77 -      <xsl:choose>
78 -        <xsl:when test="ancestor::qandadiv">
79 -          <xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor::qandadiv[1]"
80 -                               mode="number"/>
81 -          <xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor::qandaentry"
82 -                               mode="number"/>
83 -        </xsl:when>
84 -        <xsl:otherwise>
85 -          <xsl:apply-templates select="ancestor::qandaentry"
86 -                               mode="number"/>
87 -        </xsl:otherwise>
88 -      </xsl:choose>
89 -    </xsl:when>
90 -    <xsl:otherwise>
91 -      <!-- nothing -->
92 -    </xsl:otherwise>
93 -  </xsl:choose>
94 -</xsl:template>
95 -
96  <xsl:template match="qandaset" mode="number">
97    <!-- FIXME: -->
98  </xsl:template>