-- test script for wslua Dir functions ------------- helper funcs ------------ local total_tests = 0 local function testing(name) print("---- Testing "..name.." ---- ") end local function test(name, ...) total_tests = total_tests + 1 io.stdout:write("test "..name.."-"..total_tests.."...") if (...) == true then io.stdout:write("passed\n") return true else io.stdout:write("failed!\n") error(name.." test failed!") end end -- the following are so we can use pcall (which needs a function to call) local function callDirFuncBase(name, t) t.result = Dir[name]() return true end local function callDirFunc(name, val, t) t.result = Dir[name](val) return true end local function makeFile(filename) local f = io.open(filename, "w") if not f then error ("failed to make file"..filename.." in directory\n".. "make sure to delete 'temp' directory before running again") end f:write("fooobarrloo") f:close() return true end -------------------------- -- for our called function results local t = {} testing("Dir basics") test("global", _G.Dir ~= nil) test("global", type(Dir.make) == 'function') test("global", type(Dir.remove) == 'function') test("global", type(Dir.remove_all) == 'function') test("global", type(Dir.open) == 'function') test("global", type(Dir.close) == 'function') test("global", type(Dir.exists) == 'function') test("global", type(Dir.personal_config_path) == 'function') test("global", type(Dir.global_config_path) == 'function') test("global", type(Dir.personal_plugins_path) == 'function') test("global", type(Dir.global_plugins_path) == 'function') testing("Dir paths/filenames") test("Dir.__FILE__", __FILE__ ~= nil) test("Dir.__DIR__", __DIR__ ~= nil) test("Dir.exists", pcall(callDirFunc, "exists", "temp", t)) test("Dir.personal_config_path", pcall(callDirFuncBase, "personal_config_path", t)) test("Dir.global_config_path", pcall(callDirFuncBase, "global_config_path", t)) test("Dir.personal_plugins_path", pcall(callDirFuncBase, "personal_plugins_path", t)) test("Dir.global_plugins_path", pcall(callDirFuncBase, "global_plugins_path", t)) -- Users expect trailing slashes for DATA_DIR and USER_DIR (bug 14619). local dirsep = package.config:sub(1,1) test("DATA_DIR", string.sub(DATA_DIR, -1) == dirsep) test("USER_DIR", string.sub(USER_DIR, -1) == dirsep) print("\nFor your information, I got the following info:\n") print("__FILE__ = '" .. __FILE__ .. "'") print("__DIR__ = '" .. __DIR__ .. "'") print("personal_config_path = '" .. Dir.personal_config_path() .. "'") print("global_config_path = '" .. Dir.global_config_path() .. "'") print("personal_plugins_path = '" .. Dir.personal_plugins_path() .. "'") print("global_plugins_path = '" .. Dir.global_plugins_path() .. "'") print("\n") testing("Directory manipulation") test("Dir.exists", pcall(callDirFunc, "exists", "temp", t)) if t.result == true or t.result == false then error("this testsuite requires there be no 'temp' directory or file; please remove it") end testing("Dir.make") test("Dir.make", pcall(callDirFunc, "make", "temp", t) and t.result == true) test("Dir.exists", pcall(callDirFunc, "exists", "temp", t) and t.result == true) -- make the same dir, should give false test("Dir.make", pcall(callDirFunc, "make", "temp", t) and t.result == false) testing("Dir.remove") test("Dir.remove", pcall(callDirFunc, "remove", "temp", t) and t.result == true) test("Dir.exists", pcall(callDirFunc, "exists", "temp", t) and t.result == nil) test("Dir.remove", pcall(callDirFunc, "remove", "temp", t) and t.result == false) Dir.make("temp") makeFile("temp/file.txt") -- will return nil because temp has a file test("Dir.remove", pcall(callDirFunc, "remove", "temp", t) and t.result == nil) testing("Dir.remove_all") test("Dir.remove_all", pcall(callDirFunc, "remove_all", "temp", t) and t.result == true) test("Dir.remove_all", pcall(callDirFunc, "remove_all", "temp", t) and t.result == false) Dir.make("temp") makeFile("temp/file1.txt") makeFile("temp/file2.txt") makeFile("temp/file3.txt") test("Dir.remove_all", pcall(callDirFunc, "remove_all", "temp", t) and t.result == true) test("Dir.remove_all", pcall(callDirFunc, "remove_all", "temp", t) and t.result == false) testing("Dir.open") Dir.make("temp") makeFile("temp/file1.txt") makeFile("temp/file2.txt") makeFile("temp/file3.txt") test("Dir.open", pcall(callDirFunc, "open", "temp", t)) test("Dir.open", type(t.result) == 'userdata') test("Dir.open", typeof(t.result) == 'Dir') io.stdout:write("calling Dir object...") local dir = t.result local files = {} files[dir()] = true io.stdout:write("passed\n") files[dir()] = true files[dir()] = true test("Dir.call", files["file1.txt"]) test("Dir.call", files["file2.txt"]) test("Dir.call", files["file3.txt"]) test("Dir.call", dir() == nil) test("Dir.call", dir() == nil) testing("Dir.close") test("Dir.close", pcall(callDirFunc, "close", dir, t)) test("Dir.close", pcall(callDirFunc, "close", dir, t)) testing("Negative testing 1") -- now try breaking it test("Dir.open", pcall(callDirFunc, "open", "temp", t)) dir = t.result -- call dir() now files = {} files[dir()] = true Dir.remove_all("temp") -- call it again files[dir()] = true files[dir()] = true test("Dir.call", files["file1.txt"]) test("Dir.call", files["file2.txt"]) test("Dir.call", files["file3.txt"]) test("Dir.close", pcall(callDirFunc, "close", dir, t)) testing("Negative testing 2") -- do it again, but this time don't do dir() until after removing the files Dir.make("temp") makeFile("temp/file1.txt") makeFile("temp/file2.txt") makeFile("temp/file3.txt") test("Dir.open", pcall(callDirFunc, "open", "temp", t)) dir = t.result Dir.remove_all("temp") -- now do it file = dir() test("Dir.call", file == nil) test("Dir.close", pcall(callDirFunc, "close", dir, t)) -- negative tests testing("Negative testing 3") -- invalid args test("Dir.make", not pcall(callDirFunc, "make", {}, t)) test("Dir.make", not pcall(callDirFunc, "make", nil, t)) test("Dir.remove", not pcall(callDirFunc, "remove", {}, t)) test("Dir.remove", not pcall(callDirFunc, "remove", nil, t)) test("Dir.remove_all", not pcall(callDirFunc, "remove_all", {}, t)) test("Dir.remove_all", not pcall(callDirFunc, "remove_all", nil, t)) test("Dir.open", not pcall(callDirFunc, "open", {}, t)) test("Dir.open", not pcall(callDirFunc, "open", nil, t)) test("Dir.close", not pcall(callDirFunc, "close", "dir", t)) test("Dir.close", not pcall(callDirFunc, "close", nil, t)) print("\n-----------------------------\n") print("All tests passed!\n\n")