descriptionlocking performance and functionality tests
ownerJeff Layton
last changeWed, 4 Mar 2015 20:55:53 +0000 (15:55 -0500)
2015-03-04 Daniel Wagnerlease02: Do a lock-unlock sequence instead of lock... master
2015-03-03 Daniel Wagnerposix04: add new "posix04" test
2015-03-03 Daniel WagnerPrint leading zeros after decimal point
2015-02-19 Jeff Laytongnulib: clean up gnulib invocation
2015-02-19 Daniel Wagnerlease02: add new "lease02" test
2015-02-19 Daniel Wagnerlease01: add new "lease01" test
2013-09-09 Jeff Laytonposix03: clean up and integrate into lockperf framework
2013-09-09 Jeff Laytonposix03: add new "posix03" test
2013-09-06 Jeff Laytonposix01: allow child process to yield CPU after unlocking
2013-08-31 Jeff Laytonposix01: add "verbose" flag
2013-06-09 Jeff Laytonstats: comment out less interesting output fields
2013-06-09 Jeff Laytonharness: remove $arg before running
2013-06-08 Jeff eliminate unneeded regex
2013-06-08 Jeff Laytonharness: fix braino with $destdir
2013-06-08 Jeff Laytonflock: add tests for flock() performance
2013-06-08 Jeff Laytonstats: add a perl script for postprocessing runs
9 years ago master