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1 <?xml version='1.0'?>
2 <!DOCTYPE xsl:stylesheet [ <!ENTITY % xsldoc.ent SYSTEM "./xsldoc.ent"> %xsldoc.ent; ]>
3 <!--############################################################################# 
4 |       $Id: callout.mod.xsl,v 1.10 2004/01/14 14:54:32 j-devenish Exp $
5 |- #############################################################################
6 |       $Author: j-devenish $
7 + ############################################################################## -->
9 <xsl:stylesheet
10         xmlns:xsl=""
11         xmlns:doc=""
12         exclude-result-prefixes="doc" version='1.0'>
14         <doc:reference id="callout" xmlns="">
15                 <referenceinfo>
16                         <releaseinfo role="meta">
17                                 $Id: callout.mod.xsl,v 1.10 2004/01/14 14:54:32 j-devenish Exp $
18                         </releaseinfo>
19                         <authorgroup>
20                                 &ramon;
21                                 &james;
22                         </authorgroup>
23                         <copyright>
24                                 <year>2000</year><year>2001</year><year>2002</year><year>2003</year><year>2004</year>
25                                 <holder>Ramon Casellas</holder>
26                         </copyright>
27                         <revhistory>
28                                 <doc:revision rcasver="1.5">&rev_2003_05;</doc:revision>
29                                 <doc:revision rcasver="1.6">
30                                         <date>January 2004</date>
31                                         <revremark>Added callout support.</revremark>
32                                 </doc:revision>
33                         </revhistory>
34                 </referenceinfo>
35                 <title>Callouts <filename>callout.mod.xsl</filename></title>
36                 <partintro>
37                         <para>
39                         These template use the concept of an <quote>areamark</quote>, an
40                         <quote>arearef</quote> and an <quote>areasymbol</quote>. An areamark
41                         is a way of illustrating a callout area as part of an image or
42                         listing. An arearef is a way of illustrating a callout area as part of
43                         a callout list. By default, the areamark and the arearef are both
44                         represented by the areasymbol. (Aside: that the areamark is drawn
45                         first.) This system allows opens the possibility for an areamark to
46                         draw a box around an area in addition to displaying the areasymbol.
48                         </para>
49                 </partintro>
50         </doc:reference>
52         <doc:template xmlns="">
53                 <refpurpose> Essential preamble for <filename>callout.mod.xsl</filename> support </refpurpose>
54                 <doc:description>
55                         <para>
57                                 Loads the <productname>overpic</productname> packages and
58                                 defines <function condition="latex">calsscale</function>
59                                 and <function condition="latex">calspair</function> (which
60                                 are used to convert <quote>calspair</quote> coordinates into
61                                 <productname>overpic</productname> percent-style coordinates.
63                         </para>
64                 </doc:description>
65                 <doc:variables>
66                         <variablelist>
67                                 <varlistentry>
68                                         <term><xref linkend="param.latex.use.overpic"/></term>
69                                         <listitem><simpara>
70                                                 Whether to enable this preamble or not.
71                                                 If 0, callouts will cause &LaTeX; errors.
72                                         </simpara></listitem>
73                                 </varlistentry>
74                         </variablelist>
75                 </doc:variables>
76                 <doc:seealso>
77                         <itemizedlist>
78                                 <listitem><simpara>&preamble;</simpara></listitem>
79                         </itemizedlist>
80                 </doc:seealso>
81         </doc:template>
82         <xsl:template name="latex.preamble.essential.callout">
83                 <xsl:if test="$latex.use.overpic=1 and //callout">
84                         <xsl:text>
85                                 <![CDATA[
86 \usepackage[percent]{overpic}
87 \newdimen\dblatex@ascale \newdimen\dblatex@bscale
88 \newdimen\dblatex@adimen \newdimen\dblatex@bdimen
89 \newdimen\dblatex@cdimen \newdimen\dblatex@ddimen
90 \newcommand{\calsscale}{%
91    \ifnum\@tempcnta>\@tempcntb%
92       \dblatex@ascale=1pt%
93       \dblatex@bscale=\@tempcntb pt%
94       \divide\dblatex@bscale by \@tempcnta%
95    \else%
96       \dblatex@bscale=1 pt%
97       \dblatex@ascale=\@tempcnta pt%
98       \divide\dblatex@ascale by \@tempcntb%
99    \fi%
100 }
101 \newcommand{\calspair}[3]{
102    \sbox{\z@}{#3}
103    \settowidth{\dblatex@cdimen}{\usebox{\z@}}
104    \settoheight{\dblatex@ddimen}{\usebox{\z@}}
105    \divide\dblatex@cdimen by 2
106    \divide\dblatex@ddimen by 2
107    \dblatex@adimen=#1 pt \dblatex@adimen=\strip@pt\dblatex@ascale\dblatex@adimen
108    \dblatex@bdimen=#2 pt \dblatex@bdimen=\strip@pt\dblatex@bscale\dblatex@bdimen
109    \put(\strip@pt\dblatex@adimen,\strip@pt\dblatex@bdimen){\hspace{-\dblatex@cdimen}\raisebox{-\dblatex@ddimen}{\usebox{\z@}}}
110 }
111 ]]>
112                         </xsl:text>
113                 </xsl:if>
114         </xsl:template>
116         <doc:template xmlns="">
117                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>programlistingco</doc:db> and <doc:db>screenco</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
118                 <doc:description>
119                         <para>
120                                 Applies templates.
121                         </para>
122                 </doc:description>
123                 <doc:variables>
124                         &no_var;
125                 </doc:variables>
126         </doc:template>
127         <xsl:template match="programlistingco|screenco">
128                 <xsl:apply-templates select="programlisting|screen|calloutlist"/>
129         </xsl:template>
131         <doc:template xmlns="">
132                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>areaset</doc:db>-related elements</refpurpose>
133                 <doc:description>
134                         <para>
135                                 Suppressed (<doc:db>area</doc:db> templates are applied by
136                                 <xref linkend="template.imagedata"/>).
137                         </para>
138                 </doc:description>
139                 <doc:variables>
140                         &no_var;
141                 </doc:variables>
142         </doc:template>
143          <xsl:template match="areaspec|areaset"/>
145         <doc:template xmlns="">
146                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>co</doc:db>-related elements</refpurpose>
147                 <doc:description>
148                         <para>
149                                 Print a callout number as a parenthesis.
150                         </para>
151                 </doc:description>
152                 <doc:variables>
153                         &no_var;
154                 </doc:variables>
155                 <doc:notes>
156                         <para>This template is probably never applied, because
157                         we can't yet handled <doc:db basename="co">cos</doc:db>
158                         in verbatim environments.</para>
159                 </doc:notes>
160         </doc:template>
161         <xsl:template match="co">
162                 <xsl:variable name="conum">
163                         <xsl:number count="co" format="1"/>
164                 </xsl:variable>
165                 <xsl:text>(</xsl:text>
166                 <xsl:value-of select="$conum"/>
167                 <xsl:text>)</xsl:text>
168         </xsl:template>
170         <doc:template xmlns="">
171                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>calloutlist</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
172                 <doc:description>
173                         <para>
174                                 Applies templates.
175                         </para>
176                 </doc:description>
177                 <doc:variables>
178                         &no_var;
179                 </doc:variables>
180         </doc:template>
181         <xsl:template match="calloutlist">
182                 <xsl:apply-templates select="./title"/>
183                 <xsl:text>&#10;\begin{description}&#10;</xsl:text>
184                 <xsl:apply-templates select="callout"/>
185                 <xsl:text>\end{description}&#10;</xsl:text>
186         </xsl:template>
188         <doc:template xmlns="">
189                 <refpurpose>Process titles for <doc:db>calloutlist</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
190                 <doc:description>
191                         <para>
193                         Formats a title.
195                         </para>
196                 </doc:description>
197                 <doc:variables>
198                         <variablelist>
199                                 <varlistentry>
200                                         <term><xref linkend=""/></term>
201                                         <listitem><simpara>
202                                                 The &LaTeX; command for formatting titles.
203                                         </simpara></listitem>
204                                 </varlistentry>
205                         </variablelist>
206                 </doc:variables>
207                 <doc:params>
208                         <variablelist>
209                                 <varlistentry>
210                                         <term>style</term>
211                                         <listitem><simpara>The &LaTeX; command to use. Defaults to
212                                         <xref linkend=""/>.</simpara></listitem>
213                                 </varlistentry>
214                         </variablelist>
215                 </doc:params>
216                 <doc:notes>
217                         <para>
218                                 Applies templates as a paragraph, formatted with the specified style.
219                         </para>
220                 </doc:notes>
221         </doc:template>
222         <xsl:template match="calloutlist/title">
223                 <xsl:param name="style" select="$"/>
224                 <xsl:text>&#10;{</xsl:text>
225                 <xsl:value-of select="$style"/>
226                 <xsl:text>{</xsl:text>
227                 <xsl:apply-templates/>
228                 <xsl:text>}}&#10;</xsl:text>
229         </xsl:template>
231         <doc:template basename="callout" xmlns="">
232                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>callout</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
233                 <doc:description>
234                         <para>
235                                 Formats arearefs as an <function condition="latex">item</function>,
236                                 then applies templates. Since there may be multiple IDs specified
237                                 in the <sgmltag class="attribute">arearefs</sgmltag> attribute,
238                                 the <xref linkend="template.generate.callout.arearefs"/> template is
239                                 called recursively to generate the arearefs.
240                         </para>
241                 </doc:description>
242                 <doc:variables>
243                         &no_var;
244                 </doc:variables>
245         </doc:template>
246         <xsl:template match="callout">
247                 <xsl:text>\item[{</xsl:text>
248                 <xsl:call-template name="generate.callout.arearefs"/>
249                 <xsl:text>}]\null{}&#10;</xsl:text>
250                 <xsl:apply-templates/>
251                 <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
252         </xsl:template>
254         <doc:template xmlns="">
255                 <refpurpose>Determine a <doc:db>callout</doc:db>'s arearefs</refpurpose>
256                 <doc:description>
257                         <para>
258                                 Splits the arearef attribute on whitespace, then
259                                 constructs a list of references by applying templates
260                                 in <quote>generate.callout.arearef</quote> mode.
261                         </para>
262                 </doc:description>
263                 <doc:variables>
264                         &no_var;
265                 </doc:variables>
266                 <doc:notes>
267                         <para>
268                                 The current node must be a <doc:db>callout</doc:db>.
269                         </para>
270                 </doc:notes>
271         </doc:template>
272         <xsl:template name="generate.callout.arearefs">
273                 <xsl:param name="arearefs" select="normalize-space(@arearefs)"/>
274                 <xsl:param name="count" select="1"/>
275                 <xsl:if test="$arearefs!=''">
276                         <xsl:choose>
277                                 <xsl:when test="substring-before($arearefs,' ')=''">
278                                         <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.callout.arearef">
279                                                 <xsl:with-param name="arearef" select="$arearefs"/>
280                                                 <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count"/>
281                                                 <xsl:with-param name="last" select="true()"/>
282                                         </xsl:apply-templates>
283                                 </xsl:when>
284                                 <xsl:otherwise>
285                                         <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.callout.arearef">
286                                                 <xsl:with-param name="arearef" select="substring-before($arearefs,' ')"/>
287                                                 <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count"/>
288                                                 <xsl:with-param name="last" select="false()"/>
289                                         </xsl:apply-templates>
290                                 </xsl:otherwise>
291                         </xsl:choose>
292                         <xsl:call-template name="generate.callout.arearefs">
293                                 <xsl:with-param name="arearefs" select="substring-after($arearefs,' ')"/>
294                                 <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count + 1"/>
295                         </xsl:call-template>
296                 </xsl:if>
297         </xsl:template>
299         <doc:template xmlns="">
300                 <refpurpose>Format a <doc:db>callout</doc:db>'s arearefs</refpurpose>
301                 <doc:description>
302                         <para>
303                                 Applies templates in <quote>generate.callout.arearef</quote> mode.
304                         </para>
305                 </doc:description>
306                 <doc:variables>
307                         &no_var;
308                 </doc:variables>
309                 <doc:params>
310                         <variablelist>
311                                 <varlistentry>
312                                         <term>arearef</term>
313                                         <listitem><simpara>
314                                                 The ID of the <doc:db>area</doc:db> to which a <doc:db>callout</doc:db>
315                                                 refers.
316                                         </simpara></listitem>
317                                 </varlistentry>
318                                 <varlistentry>
319                                         <term>area</term>
320                                         <listitem><simpara>
321                                                 The <doc:db>area</doc:db> object to which a <doc:db>callout</doc:db>
322                                                 refers. By default, this searches for a area whose <sgmltag
323                                                 class="attribute">id</sgmltag> attribute equals the
324                                                 <literal>arearef</literal> parameter.
325                                         </simpara></listitem>
326                                 </varlistentry>
327                                 <varlistentry>
328                                         <term>count</term>
329                                         <listitem><simpara>
330                                                 The position of this reference in the list of references
331                                                 used by a given <doc:db>callout</doc:db>. Influences
332                                                 delimiters for list items.
333                                         </simpara></listitem>
334                                 </varlistentry>
335                                 <varlistentry>
336                                         <term>last</term>
337                                         <listitem><simpara>
338                                                 Whether this area reference is the last one for a given
339                                                 <doc:db>callout</doc:db>. Influences delimiters for list
340                                                 items.
341                                         </simpara></listitem>
342                                 </varlistentry>
343                         </variablelist>
344                 </doc:params>
345                 <doc:notes>
346                         <para>
347                                 Formats a reference for a single arearef. This is performed by
348                                 applying templates for the <doc:db>area</doc:db> in
349                                 <quote>generate.area.arearef</quote> mode.
350                         </para>
351                         <para>
352                                 The current node must be a <doc:db>callout</doc:db>.
353                         </para>
354                         <para>
355                                 Uses the <quote>naturalinlinelist</quote> localisation context.
356                         </para>
357                 </doc:notes>
358         </doc:template>
359         <xsl:template match="callout" mode="generate.callout.arearef">
360                 <xsl:param name="arearef" select="@arearefs"/>
361                 <xsl:param name="area" select="key('id', $arearef)"/>
362                 <xsl:param name="last" select="false()"/>
363                 <xsl:param name="count" select="1"/>
364                 <xsl:variable name="first" select="$count=1"/>
365                 <xsl:choose>
366                         <xsl:when test="$first">
367                                 <xsl:call-template name="gentext.template">
368                                         <xsl:with-param name="context" select="'naturalinlinelist'"/>
369                                         <xsl:with-param name="name" select="'start'"/>
370                                 </xsl:call-template>
371                         </xsl:when>
372                         <xsl:when test="$last">
373                                 <xsl:call-template name="gentext.template">
374                                         <xsl:with-param name="context" select="'naturalinlinelist'"/>
375                                         <xsl:with-param name="name">
376                                                 <xsl:choose>
377                                                         <xsl:when test="$count &gt; 2">
378                                                                 <xsl:text>lastofmany</xsl:text>
379                                                         </xsl:when>
380                                                         <xsl:otherwise>
381                                                                 <xsl:text>lastoftwo</xsl:text>
382                                                         </xsl:otherwise>
383                                                 </xsl:choose>
384                                         </xsl:with-param>
385                                 </xsl:call-template>
386                         </xsl:when>
387                         <xsl:otherwise>
388                                 <xsl:call-template name="gentext.template">
389                                         <xsl:with-param name="context" select="'naturalinlinelist'"/>
390                                         <xsl:with-param name="name" select="'middle'"/>
391                                 </xsl:call-template>
392                         </xsl:otherwise>
393                 </xsl:choose>
394                 <xsl:choose>
395                         <xsl:when test="$area">
396                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="$area" mode="generate.area.arearef"/>
397                         </xsl:when>
398                         <xsl:otherwise>
399                                 <xsl:text>?</xsl:text>
400                                 <xsl:message>
401                                         <xsl:text>Error: no ID for constraint arearefs: </xsl:text>
402                                         <xsl:value-of select="$arearef"/>
403                                         <xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
404                                 </xsl:message>
405                         </xsl:otherwise>
406                 </xsl:choose>
407                 <xsl:if test="$last">
408                         <xsl:call-template name="gentext.template">
409                                 <xsl:with-param name="context" select="'naturalinlinelist'"/>
410                                 <xsl:with-param name="name" select="'end'"/>
411                         </xsl:call-template>
412                 </xsl:if>
413         </xsl:template>
415         <doc:template basename="area" xmlns="">
416                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a reference to a callout's area</refpurpose>
417                 <doc:description>
418                         <para>
419                                 Formats an <doc:db>area</doc:db> as part of a
420                                 callout list.
421                         </para>
422                 </doc:description>
423                 <doc:variables>
424                         &no_var;
425                 </doc:variables>
426                 <doc:notes>
427                         <para>
428                                 The current node must be an <doc:db>area</doc:db>.
429                         </para>
430                         <para>
431                                 Applies templates in the <quote>generate.arearef.calspair</quote>,
432                                 <quote>generate.arearef.linerange</quote> and
433                                 <quote>generate.arearef</quote> modes.
434                         </para>
435                 </doc:notes>
436         </doc:template>
437         <xsl:template match="area" mode="generate.area.arearef">
438                 <xsl:variable name="units">
439                         <xsl:choose>
440                                 <xsl:when test="@units!=''">
441                                         <xsl:value-of select="@units"/>
442                                 </xsl:when>
443                                 <xsl:when test="../@units!=''">
444                                         <xsl:value-of select="../@units"/>
445                                 </xsl:when>
446                                 <xsl:when test="../../@units!=''">
447                                         <xsl:value-of select="../../@units"/>
448                                 </xsl:when>
449                         </xsl:choose>
450                 </xsl:variable>
451                 <xsl:choose>
452                         <xsl:when test="$units='calspair'">
453                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.arearef.calspair"/>
454                         </xsl:when>
455                         <xsl:when test="$units='linerange'">
456                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.arearef.linerange"/>
457                         </xsl:when>
458                         <xsl:otherwise>
459                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.arearef">
460                                         <xsl:with-param name="units" select="$units"/>
461                                 </xsl:apply-templates>
462                         </xsl:otherwise>
463                 </xsl:choose>
464         </xsl:template>
466         <doc:template basename="area" xmlns="">
467                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a reference to a callout's area</refpurpose>
468                 <doc:description>
469                         <para>
470                                 Formats an <doc:db>area</doc:db> as part of a
471                                 callout list.
472                         </para>
473                 </doc:description>
474                 <doc:variables>
475                         &no_var;
476                 </doc:variables>
477                 <doc:notes>
478                         <para>
479                                 This is a fallback template for unknown units.
480                                 It does not format an arearef but instead prints
481                                 an error message.
482                         </para>
483                 </doc:notes>
484         </doc:template>
485         <xsl:template match="area" mode="generate.arearef">
486                 <xsl:param name="units"/>
487                 <xsl:message>Error: unsupported arearef units <xsl:value-of select="$units"/>.</xsl:message>
488         </xsl:template>
490         <doc:template basename="area" xmlns="">
491                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a reference to a callout's area</refpurpose>
492                 <doc:description>
493                         <para>
494                                 Formats calspair units for a callout list.
495                         </para>
496                 </doc:description>
497                 <doc:variables>
498                         &no_var;
499                 </doc:variables>
500                 <doc:notes>
501                         <para>
502                                 Calls <xref linkend="template.area-generate.area.areasymbol"/>.
503                         </para>
504                 </doc:notes>
505         </doc:template>
506         <xsl:template match="area" mode="generate.arearef.calspair">
507                 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.area.areasymbol"/>
508         </xsl:template>
510         <doc:template basename="area" xmlns="">
511                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a reference to a callout's area</refpurpose>
512                 <doc:description>
513                         <para>
514                                 Formats linerange units for a callout list.
515                         </para>
516                 </doc:description>
517                 <doc:variables>
518                         &no_var;
519                 </doc:variables>
520                 <doc:notes>
521                         <para>
522                                 Formats a line range numerically, condensing the line range
523                                 down to a single line reference if the starting line is the
524                                 same as the finishing line.
525                         </para>
526                 </doc:notes>
527         </doc:template>
528         <xsl:template match="area" mode="generate.arearef.linerange">
529                 <xsl:choose>
530                         <xsl:when test="not(contains(@coords, ' '))">
531                                 <xsl:value-of select="@coords"/>
532                         </xsl:when>
533                         <xsl:otherwise>
534                                 <xsl:variable name="start" select="substring-before(@coords, ' ')"/>
535                                 <xsl:variable name="finish" select="substring-after(@coords, ' ')"/>
536                                 <xsl:choose>
537                                         <xsl:when test="$start=$finish">
538                                                 <xsl:value-of select="$start"/>
539                                         </xsl:when>
540                                         <xsl:otherwise>
541                                                 <xsl:call-template name="string-replace">
542                                                         <xsl:with-param name="from" select="' '"/>
543                                                         <xsl:with-param name="to" select="'--'"/>
544                                                         <xsl:with-param name="string" select="@coords"/>
545                                                 </xsl:call-template>
546                                         </xsl:otherwise>
547                                 </xsl:choose>
548                         </xsl:otherwise>
549                 </xsl:choose>
550         </xsl:template>
552         <doc:template basename="area" xmlns="">
553                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a callout's area as part of an image or listing</refpurpose>
554                 <doc:description>
555                         <para>
556                                 Formats an <doc:db>area</doc:db> as part of a
557                                 displayed image or listing.
558                         </para>
559                 </doc:description>
560                 <doc:variables>
561                         &no_var;
562                 </doc:variables>
563                 <doc:notes>
564                         <para>
565                                 Applies templates in the <quote>generate.area.areamark</quote> mode.
566                         </para>
567                 </doc:notes>
568         </doc:template>
569         <xsl:template match="area">
570                 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.area.areamark"/>
571         </xsl:template>
573         <doc:template basename="area" xmlns="">
574                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a callout's area as part of an image or listing</refpurpose>
575                 <doc:description>
576                         <para>
577                                 Formats an <doc:db>area</doc:db> as part of a
578                                 displayed image or listing.
579                         </para>
580                 </doc:description>
581                 <doc:variables>
582                         &no_var;
583                 </doc:variables>
584                 <doc:notes>
585                         <para>
586                                 Applies templates in the <quote>generate.areamark.calspair</quote> or
587                                 <quote>generate.areamark</quote> modes.
588                         </para>
589                 </doc:notes>
590         </doc:template>
591         <xsl:template match="area" mode="generate.area.areamark">
592                 <xsl:variable name="units">
593                         <xsl:choose>
594                                 <xsl:when test="@units!=''">
595                                         <xsl:value-of select="@units"/>
596                                 </xsl:when>
597                                 <xsl:when test="../@units!=''">
598                                         <xsl:value-of select="../@units"/>
599                                 </xsl:when>
600                                 <xsl:when test="../../@units!=''">
601                                         <xsl:value-of select="../../@units"/>
602                                 </xsl:when>
603                         </xsl:choose>
604                 </xsl:variable>
605                 <xsl:choose>
606                         <xsl:when test="$units='calspair'">
607                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.areamark.calspair"/>
608                         </xsl:when>
609                         <xsl:otherwise>
610                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.areamark">
611                                         <xsl:with-param name="units" select="$units"/>
612                                 </xsl:apply-templates>
613                         </xsl:otherwise>
614                 </xsl:choose>
615         </xsl:template>
617         <doc:template basename="area" xmlns="">
618                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a callout's area as part of an image or listing</refpurpose>
619                 <doc:description>
620                         <para>
621                                 Formats an <doc:db>area</doc:db> as part of a
622                                 displayed image or listing.
623                         </para>
624                 </doc:description>
625                 <doc:variables>
626                         &no_var;
627                 </doc:variables>
628                 <doc:notes>
629                         <para>
630                                 This is a fallback template for unknown units.
631                                 It does not format an areamark but instead prints
632                                 an error message.
633                         </para>
634                 </doc:notes>
635         </doc:template>
636         <xsl:template match="area" mode="generate.areamark">
637                 <xsl:param name="units"/>
638                 <xsl:message>Error: unsupported areamark units <xsl:value-of select="$units"/>.</xsl:message>
639         </xsl:template>
641         <doc:template basename="area" xmlns="">
642                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a callout's area as part of an image or listing</refpurpose>
643                 <doc:description>
644                         <para>
645                                 Formats calspair units for a displayed image or listing.
646                         </para>
647                 </doc:description>
648                 <doc:variables>
649                         &no_var;
650                 </doc:variables>
651                 <doc:notes>
652                         <para>
653                                 Converts calspair coordinates relative to the width and height of the
654                                 displayed image area. Will understand "x1,y1 x2,y2" and also "x1 y1".
655                                 In the former case, the drawing location is moved to the centre of
656                                 the implied rectangle. Templates are then applied in the
657                                 <quote>generate.area.areasymbol</quote> mode.
658                         </para>
659                 </doc:notes>
660         </doc:template>
661         <xsl:template match="area" mode="generate.areamark.calspair">
662                 <xsl:choose>
663                         <xsl:when test="not(contains(@coords, ' '))">
664                                 <xsl:message>Error: invalid calspair '<xsl:value-of select="@coords"/>'.</xsl:message>
665                         </xsl:when>
666                         <xsl:otherwise>
667                                 <xsl:variable name="x1y1">
668                                         <xsl:value-of select="substring-before(@coords, ' ')"/>
669                                 </xsl:variable>
670                                 <xsl:variable name="x1">
671                                         <xsl:choose>
672                                                 <xsl:when test="contains($x1y1, ',')">
673                                                         <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($x1y1, ',')"/>
674                                                 </xsl:when>
675                                                 <xsl:otherwise>
676                                                         <xsl:value-of select="$x1y1"/>
677                                                 </xsl:otherwise>
678                                         </xsl:choose>
679                                 </xsl:variable>
680                                 <xsl:variable name="y1">
681                                         <xsl:choose>
682                                                 <xsl:when test="contains($x1y1, ',')">
683                                                         <xsl:value-of select="substring-after($x1y1, ',')"/>
684                                                 </xsl:when>
685                                                 <xsl:otherwise>
686                                                         <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
687                                                 </xsl:otherwise>
688                                         </xsl:choose>
689                                 </xsl:variable>
690                                 <xsl:variable name="x2y2">
691                                         <xsl:value-of select="substring-after(@coords, ' ')"/>
692                                 </xsl:variable>
693                                 <xsl:variable name="y2">
694                                         <xsl:choose>
695                                                 <xsl:when test="contains($x2y2, ',')">
696                                                         <xsl:value-of select="substring-after($x2y2, ',')"/>
697                                                 </xsl:when>
698                                                 <xsl:otherwise>
699                                                         <xsl:value-of select="$x2y2"/>
700                                                 </xsl:otherwise>
701                                         </xsl:choose>
702                                 </xsl:variable>
703                                 <xsl:variable name="x2">
704                                         <xsl:choose>
705                                                 <xsl:when test="contains($x2y2, ',')">
706                                                         <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($x2y2, ',')"/>
707                                                 </xsl:when>
708                                                 <xsl:otherwise>
709                                                         <xsl:value-of select="''"/>
710                                                 </xsl:otherwise>
711                                         </xsl:choose>
712                                 </xsl:variable>
713                                 <xsl:text>\calspair{</xsl:text>
714                                 <!-- choose horizontal coordinate -->
715                                 <xsl:choose>
716                                         <xsl:when test="$x1 != '' and $x2 != ''">
717                                                 <xsl:value-of select="(number($x1)+number($x2)) div 200"/>
718                                         </xsl:when>
719                                         <xsl:otherwise>
720                                                 <xsl:value-of select="number(concat($x1, $x2)) div 100"/>
721                                         </xsl:otherwise>
722                                 </xsl:choose>
723                                 <xsl:text>}{</xsl:text>
724                                 <!-- choose vertical coordinate -->
725                                 <xsl:choose>
726                                         <xsl:when test="$y1 != '' and $y2 != ''">
727                                                 <xsl:value-of select="(number($y1)+number($y2)) div 200"/>
728                                         </xsl:when>
729                                         <xsl:otherwise>
730                                                 <xsl:value-of select="number(concat($y1, $y2)) div 100"/>
731                                         </xsl:otherwise>
732                                 </xsl:choose>
733                                 <xsl:text>}{</xsl:text>
734                                 <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.area.areasymbol"/>
735                                 <xsl:text>}&#10;</xsl:text>
736                         </xsl:otherwise>
737                 </xsl:choose>
738         </xsl:template>
740         <doc:template basename="area" xmlns="">
741                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a callout's area as part of an image or listing</refpurpose>
742                 <doc:description>
743                         <para>
744                                 Formats an <doc:db>area</doc:db> as an overlay
745                                 on an image or listing.
746                         </para>
747                 </doc:description>
748                 <doc:variables>
749                         &no_var;
750                 </doc:variables>
751                 <doc:notes>
752                         <para>
753                                 If the area has a <sgmltag class="attribute">label</sgmltag>
754                                 attribute, it is used as raw &LaTeX; code.
755                         </para>
756                         <para>
757                                 If the area has a linkends attribute, templates are
758                                 applied for the first linkend using
759                                 <quote>generate.callout.areasymbol</quote> mode.
760                                 It is implicit in this scenario that an arearef
761                                 and an areamark will both consist of an identical
762                                 icon for an area.
763                         </para>
764                         <para>
765                                 If none of the above were performed, an asterisk is printed.
766                         </para>
767                 </doc:notes>
768         </doc:template>
769         <xsl:template match="area" mode="generate.area.areasymbol">
770                 <xsl:param name="linkends" select="normalize-space(@linkends)"/>
771                 <xsl:choose>
772                         <xsl:when test="@label">
773                                 <xsl:value-of select="@label"/>
774                         </xsl:when>
775                         <xsl:when test="$linkends!=''">
776                                 <xsl:variable name="linkend">
777                                         <xsl:choose>
778                                                 <xsl:when test="contains($linkends, ' ')">
779                                                         <xsl:value-of select="substring-before($linkends, ' ')"/>
780                                                 </xsl:when>
781                                                 <xsl:otherwise>
782                                                         <xsl:value-of select="$linkends"/>
783                                                 </xsl:otherwise>
784                                         </xsl:choose>
785                                 </xsl:variable>
786                                 <xsl:variable name="target" select="key('id', $linkend)"/>
787                                 <xsl:choose>
788                                         <xsl:when test="count($target)&gt;0">
789                                                 <xsl:for-each select="$target">
790                                                         <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="generate.callout.areasymbol">
791                                                                 <xsl:with-param name="arearef" select="generate-id(current())"/>
792                                                                 <xsl:with-param name="area" select="current()"/>
793                                                         </xsl:apply-templates>
794                                                 </xsl:for-each>
795                                         </xsl:when>
796                                         <xsl:otherwise>
797                                                 <xsl:text>?</xsl:text>
798                                                 <xsl:message>
799                                                         <xsl:text>Error: no ID for constraint linkends: </xsl:text>
800                                                         <xsl:value-of select="$linkends"/>
801                                                         <xsl:text>.</xsl:text>
802                                                 </xsl:message>
803                                         </xsl:otherwise>
804                                 </xsl:choose>
805                         </xsl:when>
806                         <xsl:otherwise>
807                                 <xsl:text>*</xsl:text>
808                         </xsl:otherwise>
809                 </xsl:choose>
810         </xsl:template>
812         <doc:template basename="callout" xmlns="">
813                 <refpurpose>Illustrate a callout's area as part of an image or listing</refpurpose>
814                 <doc:description>
815                         <para>
816                                 Illustrates an <doc:db>area</doc:db> as part of a
817                                 displayed image or listing.
818                         </para>
819                 </doc:description>
820                 <doc:variables>
821                         &no_var;
822                 </doc:variables>
823                 <doc:notes>
824                         <para>
825                                 Prints the numeric position of the <doc:db>callout</doc:db> within its <doc:db>calloutlist</doc:db>.
826                         </para>
827                 </doc:notes>
828         </doc:template>
829         <xsl:template match="callout" mode="generate.callout.areasymbol">
830                 <xsl:number count="callout" format="1"/>
831         </xsl:template>
833         <doc:template xmlns="">
834                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>mediaobjectco</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
835                 <doc:description>
836                         <para>
837                                 Applies templates.
838                         </para>
839                 </doc:description>
840                 <doc:variables>
841                         &no_var;
842                 </doc:variables>
843         </doc:template>
844         <xsl:template match="mediaobjectco">
845                 <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
846                 <xsl:apply-templates select="imageobjectco"/>
847                 <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
848         </xsl:template>
850         <doc:template xmlns="">
851                 <refpurpose>Process <doc:db>imageobjectco</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
852                 <doc:description>
853                         <para>
854                                 Applies templates.
855                         </para>
856                 </doc:description>
857                 <doc:variables>
858                         &no_var;
859                 </doc:variables>
860         </doc:template>
861         <xsl:template match="imageobjectco">
862                 <xsl:apply-templates select="imageobject"/>
863                 <xsl:text>&#10;</xsl:text>
864                 <xsl:apply-templates select="calloutlist"/>
865         </xsl:template>
867         <doc:template basename="imageobject" xmlns="">
868                 <refpurpose>Process a <doc:db>imageobjectco</doc:db>'s <doc:db>imageobject</doc:db> elements</refpurpose>
869                 <doc:description>
870                         <para>
871                                 Applies templates for <doc:db>imagedata</doc:db>.
872                         </para>
873                 </doc:description>
874                 <doc:variables>
875                         &no_var;
876                 </doc:variables>
877         </doc:template>
878         <xsl:template match="imageobjectco/imageobject">
879                 <xsl:apply-templates select="imagedata">
880                         <xsl:with-param name="is.imageobjectco" select="true()"/>
881                 </xsl:apply-templates>
882         </xsl:template>
884 </xsl:stylesheet>