THIS IS INCOMPLETE! I'M ONLY COMMITING IT IN ORDER TO SOLICIT COMMENTS FROM A FEW PEOPLE. DON'T TAKE THIS AS THE FINAL VERSION YET. Samba4 Programming Guide ------------------------ The internals of Samba4 are quite different from previous versions of Samba, so even if you are an experienced Samba developer please take the time to read through this document. This document will explain both the broad structure of Samba4, and some of the common coding elements such as memory management and dealing with macros. Coding Style ------------ In past versions of Samba we have basically let each programmer choose their own programming style. Unfortunately the result has often been that code that other members of the team find difficult to read. For Samba version 4 I would like to standardise on a common coding style to make the whole tree more readable. For those of you who are horrified at the idea of having to learn a new style, I can assure you that it isn't as painful as you might think. I was forced to adopt a new style when I started working on the Linux kernel, and after some initial pain found it quite easy. That said, I don't want to invent a new style, instead I would like to adopt the style used by the Linux kernel. It is a widely used style with plenty of support tools available. See Documentation/CodingStyle in the Linux source tree. This is the style that I have used to write all of the core infrastructure for Samba4 and I think that we should continue with that style. I also think that we should most definately *not* adopt an automatic reformatting system in cvs (or whatever other source code system we end up using in the future). Such automatic formatters are, in my experience, incredibly error prone and don't understand the necessary exceptions. I don't mind if people use automated tools to reformat their own code before they commit it, but please do not run such automated tools on large slabs of existing code without being willing to spend a *lot* of time hand checking the results. Finally, I think that for code that is parsing or formatting protocol packets the code layout should strongly reflect the packet format. That means ordring the code so that it parses in the same order as the packet is stored on the wire (where possible) and using white space to align packet offsets so that a reader can immediately map any line of the code to the corresponding place in the packet. Static and Global Data ---------------------- The basic rule is "avoid static and global data like the plague". What do I mean by static data? The way to tell if you have static data in a file is to use the "size" utility in Linux. For example if we run: size libcli/raw/*.o in Samba4 then you get the following: text data bss dec hex filename 2015 0 0 2015 7df libcli/raw/clikrb5.o 202 0 0 202 ca libcli/raw/clioplock.o 35 0 0 35 23 libcli/raw/clirewrite.o 3891 0 0 3891 f33 libcli/raw/clisession.o 869 0 0 869 365 libcli/raw/clisocket.o 4962 0 0 4962 1362 libcli/raw/clispnego.o 1223 0 0 1223 4c7 libcli/raw/clitransport.o 2294 0 0 2294 8f6 libcli/raw/clitree.o 1081 0 0 1081 439 libcli/raw/raweas.o 6765 0 0 6765 1a6d libcli/raw/rawfile.o 6824 0 0 6824 1aa8 libcli/raw/rawfileinfo.o 2944 0 0 2944 b80 libcli/raw/rawfsinfo.o 541 0 0 541 21d libcli/raw/rawioctl.o 1728 0 0 1728 6c0 libcli/raw/rawnegotiate.o 723 0 0 723 2d3 libcli/raw/rawnotify.o 3779 0 0 3779 ec3 libcli/raw/rawreadwrite.o 6597 0 0 6597 19c5 libcli/raw/rawrequest.o 5580 0 0 5580 15cc libcli/raw/rawsearch.o 3034 0 0 3034 bda libcli/raw/rawsetfileinfo.o 5187 0 0 5187 1443 libcli/raw/rawtrans.o 2033 0 0 2033 7f1 libcli/raw/smb_signing.o notice that the "data" and "bss" columns are all zero? That is good. If there are any non-zero values in data or bss then that indicates static data and is bad (as a rule of thumb). Lets compare that result to the equivalent in Samba3: text data bss dec hex filename 3978 0 0 3978 f8a libsmb/asn1.o 18963 0 288 19251 4b33 libsmb/cliconnect.o 2815 0 1024 3839 eff libsmb/clidgram.o 4038 0 0 4038 fc6 libsmb/clientgen.o 3337 664 256 4257 10a1 libsmb/clierror.o 10043 0 0 10043 273b libsmb/clifile.o 332 0 0 332 14c libsmb/clifsinfo.o 166 0 0 166 a6 libsmb/clikrb5.o 5212 0 0 5212 145c libsmb/clilist.o 1367 0 0 1367 557 libsmb/climessage.o 259 0 0 259 103 libsmb/clioplock.o 1584 0 0 1584 630 libsmb/cliprint.o 7565 0 256 7821 1e8d libsmb/cliquota.o 7694 0 0 7694 1e0e libsmb/clirap.o 27440 0 0 27440 6b30 libsmb/clirap2.o 2905 0 0 2905 b59 libsmb/clireadwrite.o 1698 0 0 1698 6a2 libsmb/clisecdesc.o 5517 0 0 5517 158d libsmb/clispnego.o 485 0 0 485 1e5 libsmb/clistr.o 8449 0 0 8449 2101 libsmb/clitrans.o 2053 0 4 2057 809 libsmb/conncache.o 3041 0 256 3297 ce1 libsmb/credentials.o 1261 0 1024 2285 8ed libsmb/doserr.o 14560 0 0 14560 38e0 libsmb/errormap.o 3645 0 0 3645 e3d libsmb/namecache.o 16815 0 8 16823 41b7 libsmb/namequery.o 1626 0 0 1626 65a libsmb/namequery_dc.o 14301 0 1076 15377 3c11 libsmb/nmblib.o 24516 0 2048 26564 67c4 libsmb/nterr.o 8661 0 8 8669 21dd libsmb/ntlmssp.o 3188 0 0 3188 c74 libsmb/ntlmssp_parse.o 4945 0 0 4945 1351 libsmb/ntlmssp_sign.o 1303 0 0 1303 517 libsmb/passchange.o 1221 0 0 1221 4c5 libsmb/pwd_cache.o 2475 0 4 2479 9af libsmb/samlogon_cache.o 10768 32 0 10800 2a30 libsmb/smb_signing.o 4524 0 16 4540 11bc libsmb/smbdes.o 5708 0 0 5708 164c libsmb/smbencrypt.o 7049 0 3072 10121 2789 libsmb/smberr.o 2995 0 0 2995 bb3 libsmb/spnego.o 3186 0 0 3186 c72 libsmb/trustdom_cache.o 1742 0 0 1742 6ce libsmb/trusts_util.o 918 0 28 946 3b2 libsmb/unexpected.o notice all of the non-zero data and bss elements? Every bit of that data is a bug waiting to happen. Static data is evil as it has the following consequences: - it makes code much less likely to be thread-safe - it makes code much less likely to be recursion-safe - it leads to subtle side effects when the same code is called from multiple places Static data is particularly evil in library code (such as our internal smb and rpc libraries). If you can get rid of all static data in libraries then you can make some fairly strong guarantees about the behaviour of functions in that library, which really helps. Of course, it is possible to write code that uses static data and is safe, it's just much harder to do that than just avoid static data in the first place. We have been tripped up countless times by subtle bugs in Samba due to the use of static data, so I think it is time to start avoiding it in new code. Much of the core infrastructure of Samba4 was specifically written to avoid static data, so I'm going to be really annoyed if everyone starts adding lots of static data back in. So, how do we avoid static data? The basic method is to use context pointers. When reading the Samba4 code you will notice that just about every function takes a pointer to a context structure as its first argument. Any data that the function needs that isn't an explicit argument to the function can be found by traversing that context. Note that this includes all of the little caches that we have lying all over the code in Samba3. I'm referring to the ones that generally have a "static int initialised" and then some static string or integer that remembers the last return value of the function. Get rid of them! If you are *REALLY* absolutely completely certain that your personal favourite mini-cache is needed then you should do it properly by putting it into the appropriate context rather than doing it the lazy way by putting it inside the target function. I would suggest however that the vast majority of those little caches are useless - don't stick it in unless you have really firm benchmarking results that show that it is needed and helps by a significant amount. Note that Samba4 is not yet completely clean of static data like this. I've gotten the smbd/ directory down to 24 bytes of static data, and libcli/raw/ down to zero. I've also gotten the ntvfs layer and all backends down to just 8 bytes in ntvfs_base.c. The rest still needs some more work. Also note that truly constant data is OK, and will not in fact show up in the data and bss columns in "size" anyway (it will be included in "text"). So you can have constant tables of protocol data. Memory Contexts --------------- We introduced the talloc() system for memory contexts during the 2.2 development cycle and it has been a great success. It has greatly simplified a lot of our code, particularly with regard to error handling. In Samba4 we use talloc even more extensively to give us much finer grained memory management. The really important thing to remember about talloc in Samba4 is: "don't just use the first talloc context that comes to hand - use the RIGHT talloc context" Just using the first talloc context that comes to hand is probably the most common systematic bug I have seen so far from programmers that have worked on the Samba4 code base. The reason this is vital is that different talloc contexts have vastly different lifetimes, so if you use a talloc context that has a long lifetime (such as one associated with a tree connection) for data that is very short lived (such as parsing an individual packet) then you have just introduced a huge memory leak. In fact, it is quite common that the correct thing to do is to create a new talloc context for some little function and then destroy it when you are done. That will give you a memory context that has exactly the right lifetime. You should also go and look at a new talloc function in Samba4 called talloc_steal(). By using talloc_steal() you can move a lump of memory from one memory context to another without copying the data. This should be used when a backend function (such as a packet parser) produces a result as a lump of talloc memory and you need to keep it around for a longer lifetime than the talloc context it is in. You just "steal" the memory from the short-lived context, putting it into your long lived context. Interface Structures -------------------- One of the biggest changes in Samba4 is the universal use of interface structures. Go take a look through include/smb_interfaces.h now to get an idea of what I am talking about. In Samba3 many of the core wire structures in the SMB protocol were never explicitly defined in Samba. Instead, our parse and generation functions just worked directly with wire buffers. The biggest problem with this is that is tied our parse code with out "business logic" much too closely, which meant the code got extremely confusing to read. In Samba4 we have explicitly defined interface structures for everything in the protocol. When we receive a buffer we always parse it completely into one of these structures, then we pass a pointer to that structure to a backend handler. What we must *not* do is make any decisions about the data inside the parse functions. That is critical as different backends will need different portions of the data. This leads to a golden rule for Samba4: "don't design interfaces that lose information" In Samba3 our backends often received "condensed" versions of the information sent from clients, but this inevitably meant that some backends could not get at the data they needed to do what they wanted, so from now on we should expose the backends to all of the available information and let them choose which bits they want. Ok, so now some of you will be thinking "this sounds just like our msrpc code from Samba3", and while to some extent this is true there are extremely important differences in the approach that are worth pointing out. In the Samba3 msrpc code we used explicit parse strucrures for all msrpc functions. The problem is that we didn't just put all of the real variables in these structures, we also put in all the artifacts as well. A good example is the security descriptor strucrure that looks like this in Samba3: typedef struct security_descriptor_info { uint16 revision; uint16 type; uint32 off_owner_sid; uint32 off_grp_sid; uint32 off_sacl; uint32 off_dacl; SEC_ACL *dacl; SEC_ACL *sacl; DOM_SID *owner_sid; DOM_SID *grp_sid; } SEC_DESC; The problem with this structure is all the off_* variables. Those are not part of the interface, and do not appear in any real descriptions of Microsoft security descriptors. They are parsing artifacts generated by the IDL compiler that Microsoft use. That doesn't mean they aren't needed on the wire - indeed they are as they tell the parser where to find the following four variables, but they should *NOT* be in the interface structure. In Samba3 there were unwritten rules about which variables in a strucrure a high level caller has to fill in and which ones are filled in by the marshalling code. In Samba4 those rules are gone, because the redundent artifact variables are gone. The high level caller just sets up the real variables and the marshalling code worries about generating the right offsets. The same rule applies to strings. In many places in the SMB and MSRPC protocols complex strings are used on the wire, with complex rules about padding, format, alighment, termination etc. None of that information is useful to a high level calling routine or to a backend - its all just so much wire fluff. So, in Samba4 these strings are just "char *" and are always in our internal multi-byte format (which is usually UTF8). It is up to the parse functions to worry about translating the format and getting the padding right. The one exception to this is the use of the WIRE_STRING type, but that has a very good justification in terms of regression testing. Go and read the comment in smb_interfaces.h about that now. So, here is another rule to code by. When writing an interface structure think carefully about what variables in the structure can be left out as they are redundent. If some length is effectively defined twice on the wire then only put it once in the packet. If a length can be inferred from a null termination then do that and leave the length out of the structure completely. Don't put redundent stuff in structures! Async Design ------------ Samba4 has an asynchronous design. That affects *lots* of the code, and the implications of the asynchronous design needs to be considered just about everywhere. The first aspect of the async design to look at is the SMB client library. Lets take a look at the following three functions in libcli/raw/rawfile.c: struct cli_request *smb_raw_seek_send(struct cli_tree *tree, struct smb_seek *parms); NTSTATUS smb_raw_seek_recv(struct cli_request *req, struct smb_seek *parms); NTSTATUS smb_raw_seek(struct cli_tree *tree, struct smb_seek *parms); Go and read them now then come back. Ok, first notice there there are 3 separate functions, whereas the equivalent code in Samba3 had just one. Also note that the 3rd function is extremely simple - its just a wrapper around calling the first two in order. The three separate functions are needed because we need to be able to generate SMB calls asynchronously. The first call, which for smb calls is always called smb_raw_XXXX_send(), constructs and sends a SMB request and returns a "struct cli_request" which acts as a handle for the request. The caller is then free to do lots of other calls if it wants to, then when it is ready it can call the smb_raw_XXX_recv() function to receive the reply. If all you want is a synchronous call then call the 3rd interface, the one called smb_raw_XXXX(). That just calls the first two in order, and blocks waiting for the reply. But what if you want to be called when the reply comes in? Yes, thats possible. You can do things like this: struct cli_request *req; req = smb_raw_XXX_send(tree, params); req->async.fn = my_callback; req->async.private = my_private_data; then in your callback function you can call the smb_raw_XXXX_recv() function to receive the reply. Your callback will receive the "req" pointer, which you can use to retrieve your private data from req->async.private. Then all you need to do is ensure that the main loop in the client library gets called. You can either do that by polling the connection using cli_transport_pending() and cli_request_receive_next() or you can use transport->idle.func to setup an idle function handler to call back to your main code. Either way, you can build a fully async application. In order to support all of this we have to make sure that when we write a piece of library code (SMB, MSRPC etc) that we build the separate _send() and _recv() functions. It really is worth the effort. Now about async in smbd, a much more complex topic. The SMB protocol is inherently async. Some functions (such as change notify) often don't return for hours, while hundreds of other functions pass through the socket. Take a look at the RAW-MUX test in the Samba4 smbtorture to see some really extreme examples of the sort of async operations that Windows supports. I particularly like the open/open/close sequence where the 2nd open (which conflicts with the first) succeeds because the subsequent close is answered out of order. In Samba3 we handled this stuff very badly. We had awful "pending request" queues that allocated full 128k packet buffers, and even with all that crap we got the semantics wrong. In Samba4 I intend to make sure we get this stuff right. So, how do we do this? We now have an async interface between smbd and the NTVFS backends. Whenever smbd calls into a backend the backend has an option of answer the request in a synchronous fashion if it wants to just like in Samba3, but it also has the option of answering the request asynchronously. The only backend that currently does this is the CIFS backend, but I hope the other backends will soon do this to. To make this work you need to do things like this in the backend: req->control_flags |= REQ_CONTROL_ASYNC; that tells smbd that the backend has elected to reply later rather than replying immediately. The backend must *only* do this if req->async.send_fn is not NULL. If send_fn is NULL then it means that the smbd front end cannot handle this function being replied to in an async fashion. If the backend does this then it is up to the backend to call req->async.send_fn() when it is ready to reply. It the meantime smbd puts the call on hold and goes back to answering other requests on the socket. Inside smbd you will find that there is code to support this. The most obvious change is that smbd splits each SMB reply function into two parts - just like the client library has a _send() and _recv() function, so smbd has a _send() function and the parse function for each SMB. As an example go and have a look at reply_getatr_send() and reply_getatr() in smbd/reply.c. Read them? Good. Notice that reply_getatr() sets up the req->async structure to contain the send function. Thats how the backend gets to do an async reply, it calls this function when it is ready. Also notice that reply_getatr() only does the parsing of the request, and does not do the reply generation. That is done by the _send() function. The only missing piece in the Samba4 right now that prevents it being fully async is that it currently does the low level socket calls (read and write on sockets) in a blocking fashion. It does use select() to make it somewhat async, but if a client were to send a partial packet then delay before sending the rest then smbd would be stuck waiting for the second half of the packet. To fix this I plan on making the socket calls async as well, which luckily will not involve any API changes in the core of smbd or the library. It just involves a little bit of extra code in clitransport.c and smbd/request.c. As a side effect I hope that this will also reduce the average number of system calls required to answer a request, so we may see a performance improvement. NTVFS ----- One of the most noticeable changes in Samba4 is the introduction of the NTVFS layer. This provided the initial motivation for the design of Samba4 and in many ways lies at the heart of the design. In Samba3 the main file serving process (smbd) combined the handling of the SMB protocol with the mapping to POSIX semantics in the same code. If you look in smbd/reply.c in Samba3 you see numerous places where POSIX assumptions are mixed tightly with SMB parsing code. We did have a VFS layer in Samba3, but it was a POSIX-like VFS layer, so no matter how you wrote a plugin you could not bypass the POSIX mapping decisions that had already been made before the VFS layer was called. In Samba4 things are quite different. All SMB parsing is performed in the smbd front end, then fully parsed requests are passed to the NTVFS backend. That backend makes any semantic mapping decisions and fills in the 'out' portion of the request. The front end is then responsible for putting those results into wire format and sending them to the client. Lets have a look at one of those request structures. Go and read the definition of "union smb_write" and "enum write_level" in include/smb_interfaces.h. (no, don't just skip reading it, really go and read it. Yes, that means you!). Notice the union? That's how Samba4 allows a single NTVFS backend interface to handle the several different ways of doing a write operation in the SMB protocol. Now lets look at one section of that union: /* SMBwriteX interface */ struct { enum write_level level; struct { uint16 fnum; SMB_BIG_UINT offset; uint16 wmode; uint16 remaining; uint32 count; const char *data; } in; struct { uint32 nwritten; uint16 remaining; } out; } writex; see the "in" and "out" sections? The "in" section is for parameters that the SMB client sends on the wire as part of the request. The smbd front end parse code parses the wire request and fills in all those parameters. It then calls the NTVFS interface which looks like this: NTSTATUS (*write)(struct request_context *req, union smb_write *io); and the NTVFS backend does the write request. The backend then fills in the "out" section of the writex structure and gives the union back to the front end (either by returning, or if done in an async fashion then by calling the async send function. See the async discussion elsewhere in this document). The NTVFS backend knows which particular function is being requested by looking at io->generic.level. Notice that this enum is also repeated inside each of the sub-structures in the union, so the backend could just as easily look at io->writex.level and would get the same variable. Notice also that some levels (such as splwrite) don't have an "out" section. This happens because there is no return value apart from a status code from those SMB calls. So what about status codes? The status code is returned directly by the backend NTVFS interface when the call is performed synchronously. When performed asynchronously then the status code is put into req->async.status before the req->async.send_fn() callback is called. Currently the most complete NTVFS backend is the CIFS backend. I don't expect this backend will be used much in production, but it does provide the ideal test case for our NTVFS design. As it offers the full capabilities that are possible with a CIFS server we can be sure that we don't have any gaping holes in our APIs, and that the front end code is flexible enough to handle any advances in the NT style feature sets of Unix filesystems that make come along. Process Models -------------- In Samba3 we supported just one process model. It just so happens that the process model that Samba3 supported is the "right" one for most users, but there are situations where this model wasn't ideal. In Samba4 you can choose the smbd process model on the smbd command line. DCERPC binding strings ---------------------- When connecting to a dcerpc service you need to specify a binding string. The format is: TRANSPORT:host:[flags] where TRANSPORT is either ncacn_np for SMB or ncacn_ip_tcp for RPC/TCP "host" is an IP or hostname or netbios name "flags" can include a SMB pipe name if using the ncacn_np transport or a TCP port number if using the ncacn_ip_tcp transport, otherwise they will be auto-determined. other recognised flags are: sign : enable ntlmssp signing seal : enable ntlmssp sealing validate: enable the NDR validator print: enable debugging of the packets bigendian: use bigendian RPC For example, these all connect to the samr pipe: ncacn_np:myserver ncacn_np:myserver:samr ncacn_np:myserver:samr,seal ncacn_np:myserver:\pipe\samr ncacn_np:myserver:/pipe/samr ncacn_np:myserver[samr] ncacn_np:myserver[\pipe\samr] ncacn_np:myserver[/pipe/samr] ncacn_np:myserver:[samr,sign,print] ncacn_np:myserver:[\pipe\samr,sign,seal,bigendian] ncacn_np:myserver:[/pipe/samr,seal,validate] ncacn_ip_tcp:myserver ncacn_ip_tcp:myserver:1024 ncacn_ip_tcp:myserver[1024] ncacn_ip_tcp:myserver:[1024,sign,seal] MSRPC ----- - ntvfs - testing - command line handling - libcli structure - posix reliance - uid/gid handling - process models - static data - msrpc - use _p talloc varients don't zero structures! avoid ZERO_STRUCT() and talloc_zero() GMT vs TZ in printout of QFILEINFO timezones put in full UNC path in tconx test timezone handling by using a server in different zone from client don't just use any old TALLOC_CTX, use the right one! do {} while (0) system NT_STATUS_IS_OK() is NOT the opposite of NT_STATUS_IS_ERR() need to implement secondary parts of trans2 and nttrans in server and client add talloc_steal() to move a talloc ptr from one pool to another document access_mask in openx reply check all capabilities and flag1, flag2 fields (eg. EAs) large files -> pass thru levels setpathinfo is very fussy about null termination of the file name the overwrite flag doesn't seem to work on setpathinfo RENAME_INFORMATION END_OF_FILE_INFORMATION and ALLOCATION_INFORMATION don't seem to work via setpathinfo on w2k3 setpathinfo DISPOSITION_INFORMATION fails, but does have an effect. It leaves the file with SHARING_VIOLATION. on w2k3 trans2 setpathinfo with any invalid low numbered level causes the file to get into a state where DELETE_PENDING is reported, and the file cannot be deleted until you reboot trans2 qpathinfo doesn't see the delete_pending flag correctly, but qfileinfo does! get rid of pstring, fstring, strtok add programming documentation note about lp_set_cmdline() need to add a wct checking function in all client parsing code, similar to REQ_CHECK_WCT() need to make sure that NTTIME is a round number of seconds when converted from time_t not using a zero next offset in SMB_FILE_STREAM_INFORMATION for last entry causes explorer exception under win2000 if the server sets the session key the same for a second SMB socket as an initial socket then the client will not re-authenticate, it will go straight to a tconx, skipping session setup and will use all the existing parameters! This allows two sockets with the same keys!? removed blocking lock code, we now queue the whole request the same as we queue any other pending request. This allows for things like a close() while a pending blocking lock is being processed to operate sanely. disabled change notify code disabled oplock code MILESTONES ========== client library and test code ---------------------------- convert client library to new structure get smbtorture working get smbclient working expand client library for all requests write per-request test suite gentest randomised test suite separate client code as a library for non-Samba use server code ----------- add remaining core SMB requests add IPC layer add nttrans layer add rpc layer fix auth models (share, server, rpc) get net command working connect CIFS backend to server level auth get nmbd working get winbindd working reconnect printing code restore removed smbd options add smb.conf macro substitution code add async backend notification add generic timer event mechanism clustering code --------------- write CIFS backend new server models (break 1-1) test clustered models add fulcrum statistics gathering docs ---- conference paper developer docs svn instructions