From packet steve: label the GRE key as "GRE Key", so that
[obnox/wireshark/wip.git] / docbook / ug-src / EUG_chapter_use.xml
1 <!-- EUG Chapter Three -->
2 <!-- $Id$ -->
4 <chapter id="ChapterUsing">
5   <title>User Interface</title>
6   <section id="ChUseIntroductionSection"><title>Introduction</title>
7     <para>
8       By now you have installed <application>Ethereal</application> and 
9       are most likely keen to get started capturing your first packets.  In 
10       the next chapters we will explore:
11       <itemizedlist>
12         <listitem>
13           <para>
14             How the Ethereal user interface works
15           </para>
16         </listitem>
17         <listitem>
18           <para>
19             How to capture packets in <application>Ethereal</application>
20           </para>
21         </listitem>
22         <listitem>
23           <para>
24             How to view packets in <application>Ethereal</application>
25           </para>
26         </listitem>
27         <listitem>
28           <para>
29             How to filter packets in <application>Ethereal</application>
30           </para>
31         </listitem>
32         <listitem>
33           <para>
34             ... and many other things!
35           </para>
36         </listitem>
37       </itemizedlist>
38     </para>
39   </section>
41   <section id="ChUseStartSection"><title>Start Ethereal</title>
42     <para>
43         You can start Ethereal from your shell or window manager.
44         <tip><title>Tip!</title>
45         <para>
46         When starting Ethereal it's possible to specify optional settings using 
47         the     command line. See <xref linkend="ChCustCommandLine"/> for details.
48         </para>
49         </tip>
50         <note><title>Note!</title>
51         <para>
52         In the following chapters, a lot of screenshots from Ethereal will be shown. 
53         As Ethereal runs on many different platforms and there are different 
54         versions of the underlying GUI toolkit (GTK 1.x / 2.x) used, your 
55         screen might look different from the provided screenshots. But as there 
56         are no real differences in functionality, these screenshots should still 
57         be understandable.
58         </para>
59         </note>
60         </para>
61   </section>
63   <section id="ChUseMainWindowSection"><title>The Main window</title>
64         <para>
65       Lets look at Ethereal's user interface. <xref linkend="ChUseFig01"/> shows 
66         Ethereal as you would usually see it after some packets captured or loaded 
67         (how to do this will be described later).
68         <figure id="ChUseFig01">
69           <title>The Main window</title>
70           <graphic scale="100" entityref="EtherealThreePane1" format="PNG"/>
71         </figure>
72     </para>
73     <para>
74       Ethereal's main window consist of parts that are commonly known from many 
75           other GUI programs.
76       <orderedlist>
77         <listitem>
78           <para>
79             The <emphasis>menu</emphasis> (see <xref linkend="ChUseMenuSection"/>)
80                 is used to start actions.
81           </para>
82         </listitem>
83         <listitem>
84           <para>
85             The <emphasis>main toolbar</emphasis> (see <xref linkend="ChUseMainToolbarSection"/>) 
86                 provides quick access to frequently used items from the menu.
87           </para>
88         </listitem>
89         <listitem>
90           <para>
91             The <emphasis>filter toolbar</emphasis> (see <xref linkend="ChUseFilterToolbarSection"/>) 
92                 provides a way to directly manipulate the currently used display filter 
93                 (see <xref linkend="ChWorkDisplayFilterSection"/>). 
94           </para>
95         </listitem>
96         <listitem>
97           <para>
98             The <emphasis>packet list pane</emphasis> (see <xref linkend="ChUsePacketListPaneSection"/>) 
99                 displays a summary of each packet captured.  By clicking on packets 
100                 in this pane you control what is displayed in the other two panes.
101           </para>
102         </listitem>
103         <listitem>
104           <para>
105             The <emphasis>packet details pane</emphasis> (see <xref linkend="ChUsePacketDetailsPaneSection"/>) 
106                 displays the packet selected in the packet list pane in more detail.
107           </para>
108         </listitem>
109         <listitem>
110           <para>
111             The <emphasis>packet bytes pane</emphasis> (see <xref linkend="ChUsePacketBytesPaneSection"/>) 
112                 displays the data from the packet selected in the packet list pane, and 
113                 highlights the field selected in the packet details pane.
114           </para>
115         </listitem>
116         <listitem>
117           <para>
118             The <emphasis>statusbar</emphasis> (see <xref linkend="ChUseStatusbarSection"/>) 
119                 shows some detailed information about the current program state and 
120                 the captured data.
121           </para>
122         </listitem>
123       </orderedlist>
124           <tip><title>Tip!</title>
125           <para>
126           The layout of the main window can be customized by changing preference settings. 
127           See <xref linkend="ChCustGUILayoutPrefPage"/> for details!
128           </para>
129           </tip>
130     </para>
131         </section>
133   <section id="ChUseMenuSection"><title>The Menu</title>
134     <para>
135       The Ethereal menu sits on top of the Ethereal window. 
136       An example is shown in <xref linkend="ChUseEtherealMenu"/>.
137     </para>
138         <note><title>Note!</title>
139         <para>
140         Menu items will be greyed out if the corresponding feature isn't 
141         available. For example, you cannot save a capture file if you didn't 
142         capture or load any data before.
143         </para>
144         </note>
145     <para>
146         <figure id="ChUseEtherealMenu"><title>The Menu</title>
147           <graphic entityref="EtherealMenuOnly" format="PNG"/>
148         </figure>
149     </para>
150     <para>
151       It contains the following items:
152       <variablelist>
153         <varlistentry><term><command>File</command></term>
154           <listitem>
155             <para>
156               This menu contains tems to open and merge capture files, 
157                   save / print / export capture files in whole or in part, 
158                   and to quit from Ethereal. See <xref linkend="ChUseFileMenuSection"/>.
159             </para>
160           </listitem>
161         </varlistentry>
162         <varlistentry><term><command>Edit</command></term>
163           <listitem>
164             <para>
165               This menu contains items to find a packet, time reference or mark one 
166                   or more packets, set your preferences, 
167               (cut, copy, and paste are not presently implemented).
168                   See <xref linkend="ChUseEditMenuSection"/>.
169             </para>
170           </listitem>
171         </varlistentry>
172         <varlistentry><term><command>View</command></term>
173           <listitem>
174             <para>This menu controls the display of the captured data, 
175                 including the colorization of packets, zooming the font, 
176                 show a packet in a separate window, expand and collapse trees in packet details, ....
177                 See <xref linkend="ChUseViewMenuSection"/>.
178                 </para>
179           </listitem>
180         </varlistentry>
181         <varlistentry><term><command>Go</command></term>
182           <listitem>
183             <para>This menu contains items to go to a specific packet.
184                 See <xref linkend="ChUseGoMenuSection"/>.
185                 </para>
186           </listitem>
187         </varlistentry>
188         <varlistentry><term><command>Capture</command></term>
189           <listitem>
190             <para>This menu allows you to start and stop captures and to edit capture filters.
191                 See <xref linkend="ChUseCaptureMenuSection"/>.
192                 </para>
193           </listitem>
194         </varlistentry>
195         <varlistentry><term><command>Analyze</command></term>
196           <listitem>
197             <para>
198                   This menu contains items to manipulate display filters, enable or 
199                   disable the dissection of protocols, configure user specified decodes
200                   and follow a TCP stream.
201                   See <xref linkend="ChUseAnalyzeMenuSection"/>.
202             </para>
203           </listitem>
204         </varlistentry>
205         <varlistentry><term><command>Statistics</command></term>
206           <listitem>
207             <para>
208               This menu contains menu-items to display various statistic windows,
209                   including a summary of the packets that have been captured, 
210                   display protocol hierarchy statistics and much more.
211                   See <xref linkend="ChUseStatisticsMenuSection"/>.
212             </para>
213           </listitem>
214         </varlistentry>
215         <varlistentry><term><command>Help</command></term>
216           <listitem>
217             <para>
218               This menu contains items to help the user, like access to some basic 
219                   help, a list of the supported protocols, manual pages, online access
220                   to some of the webpages, and the usual about dialog.
221                   See <xref linkend="ChUseHelpMenuSection"/>.
222             </para>
223           </listitem>
224           </varlistentry>
225         </variablelist>
226       Each of these menu items is described in more detail in the sections 
227           that follow. 
228     </para>
229         <tip><title>Tip!</title>
230         <para>
231         You can access menu items directly or by pressing the corresponding 
232         accelerator keys, which are shown at the right side of the 
233         menu. For example, you can press the Control (or Strg in german) and the K 
234         keys together to open the capture dialog. 
235         </para>
236         </tip>
237   </section>
239   <section id="ChUseFileMenuSection"><title>The "File" menu</title>
240     <para>
241       The Ethereal file menu contains the fields shown in 
242       <xref linkend="ChUseTabFile"/>.
243     </para>
244     <figure id="ChUseEtherealFileMenu">
245       <title>The "File" Menu</title>
246       <graphic entityref="EtherealFileMenu" format="PNG"/>
247     </figure>
248     <table id="ChUseTabFile" frame="none"><title>File menu items</title>
249       <tgroup cols="3">
250         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="72pt"/>
251           <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
252             <thead>
253               <row>
254                 <entry>Menu Item</entry>
255                 <entry>Accelerator</entry>
256                 <entry>Description</entry>
257               </row>
258             </thead>
259             <tbody>
260               <row>
261                 <entry><command>Open...</command></entry>
262                 <entry>Ctrl+O</entry>
263                 <entry><para>
264                     This menu item brings up the file open dialog box that 
265                     allows you to load a capture file for viewing. It is 
266                     discussed in more detail in <xref linkend="ChIOOpen"/>.
267                   </para></entry>
268               </row>
269               <row>
270                 <entry><command>Open Recent</command></entry>
271                 <entry></entry>
272                 <entry><para>
273                     This menu item shows a submenu containing the recently opened 
274                         capture files. Clicking on one of the submenu items will open the 
275                         corresponding capture file directly.
276                   </para></entry>
277               </row>
278               <row>
279                 <entry><command>Merge...</command></entry>
280                 <entry></entry>
281                 <entry><para>
282                     This menu item brings up the merge file dialog box that 
283                     allows you to merge a capture file into the currently loaded one. 
284                         It is discussed in more detail in <xref linkend="ChIOMergeSection"/>.
285                   </para></entry>
286               </row>
287               <row>
288                 <entry><command>Close</command></entry>
289                 <entry>Ctrl+W</entry>
290                 <entry><para>
291                     This menu item closes the current capture. If you 
292                     haven't saved the capture, you will be asked to do so first
293                          (this can be disabled by a preference setting).
294                   </para></entry>
295               </row>
296               <row>
297                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
298                 <entry></entry>
299                 <entry></entry>
300               </row>
301               <row>
302                 <entry><command>Save</command></entry>
303                 <entry>Ctrl+S</entry>
304                 <entry><para>
305                     This menu item saves the current capture. If you 
306                     have not set a default capture file name (perhaps with 
307                     the -w &lt;capfile&gt; option), Ethereal pops up the 
308                     Save Capture File As dialog box (which is discussed 
309                     further in <xref linkend="ChIOSaveAs"/>).
310                   </para><note>
311                     <title>Note!</title>
312                     <para>
313                       If you have already saved the current capture, this 
314                       menu item will be greyed out.
315                     </para>
316                   </note><note>
317                     <title>Note!</title>
318                     <para>
319                       You cannot save a live capture while it is in 
320                       progress.  You must stop the capture in order to 
321                       save.
322                     </para>
323                   </note></entry>
324               </row>
325               <row>
326                 <entry><command>Save As...</command></entry>
327                 <entry>Shift+Ctrl+S</entry>
328                 <entry><para>
329                     This menu item allows you to save the current capture 
330                     file to whatever file you would like. It pops up the 
331                     Save Capture File As dialog box (which is discussed 
332                     further in <xref linkend="ChIOSaveAs"/>).
333                   </para></entry>
334               </row>
335               <row>
336                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
337                 <entry></entry>
338                 <entry></entry>
339               </row>
340               <row>
341                 <entry><command>Export > as "Plain Text" file...</command></entry>
342                 <entry></entry>
343                 <entry><para>
344                     This menu item allows you to export all, or some, of the packets in 
345                     the capture file to a plain ASCII text file. 
346                         It pops up the Ethereal Export dialog box (which is discussed further in 
347                     <xref linkend="ChIOExportPlainDialog"/>).
348                   </para></entry>
349               </row>
350               <row>
351                 <entry><command>Export > as "PostScript" file...</command></entry>
352                 <entry></entry>
353                 <entry><para>
354                     This menu item allows you to export the (or some) of the packets in 
355                     the capture file to a PostScript file. 
356                         It pops up the Ethereal Export dialog box (which is discussed further in 
357                     <xref linkend="ChIOExportPSDialog"/>).
358                   </para></entry>
359               </row>
360               <row>
361                 <entry><command>Export > as "PSML" file...</command></entry>
362                 <entry></entry>
363                 <entry><para>
364                     This menu item allows you to export the (or some) of the packets in 
365                     the capture file to a PSML (packet summary markup language) XML file. 
366                         It pops up the Ethereal Export dialog box (which is discussed further in 
367                     <xref linkend="ChIOExportPSMLDialog"/>).
368                   </para></entry>
369               </row>
370               <row>
371                 <entry><command>Export > as "PDML" file...</command></entry>
372                 <entry></entry>
373                 <entry><para>
374                     This menu item allows you to export the (or some) of the packets in 
375                     the capture file to a PDML (packet details markup language) XML file. 
376                         It pops up the Ethereal Export dialog box (which is discussed further in 
377                     <xref linkend="ChIOExportPDMLDialog"/>).
378                   </para></entry>
379               </row>
380               <row>
381                 <entry><command>Export > Selected Packet Bytes...</command></entry>
382                 <entry>Ctrl+H</entry>
383                 <entry><para>
384                     This menu item allows you to export the currently selected bytes 
385                         in the packet bytes pane to a binary file. It pops up the 
386                         Ethereal Export dialog box (which is discussed further in 
387                     <xref linkend="ChIOExportSelectedDialog"/>)
388                   </para></entry>
389               </row>
390               <row>
391                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
392                 <entry></entry>
393                 <entry></entry>
394               </row>
395               <row>
396                 <entry><command>Print...</command></entry>
397                 <entry>Ctrl+P</entry>
398                 <entry><para>
399                     This menu item allows you to print all (or some of) the packets in 
400                     the capture file. It pops up the Ethereal Print dialog 
401                     box (which is discussed further in 
402                     <xref linkend="ChIOPrintSection"/>).
403                   </para></entry>
404               </row>
405               <row>
406                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
407                 <entry></entry>
408                 <entry></entry>
409               </row>
410               <row>
411                 <entry><command>Quit</command></entry>
412                 <entry>Ctrl+Q</entry>
413                 <entry><para>
414                     This menu item allows you to quit from Ethereal.  
415                         Ethereal will ask to save your capture file if you haven't saved 
416                         it before (this can be disabled by a preference setting). 
417                   </para></entry>
418               </row>
419             </tbody>
420       </tgroup>
421     </table>
422   </section>
424   <section id="ChUseEditMenuSection"><title>The "Edit" menu</title>
425     <para>
426       The Ethereal Edit menu contains the fields shown in 
427       <xref linkend="ChUseTabEdit"/>.
428     </para>
429     <figure id="ChUseEtherealEditMenu">
430       <title>The "Edit" Menu</title>
431       <graphic entityref="EtherealEditMenu" format="PNG"/>
432     </figure>
433     <table id="ChUseTabEdit" frame="none">
434       <title>Edit menu items</title>
435       <tgroup cols="3">
436         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="72pt"/>
437           <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
438             <thead>
439               <row>
440                 <entry>Menu Item</entry>
441                 <entry>Accelerator</entry>
442                 <entry>Description</entry>
443               </row>
444             </thead>
445             <tbody>
446               <row>
447                 <entry><command>Find Packet...</command></entry>
448                 <entry>Ctrl+F</entry>
449                 <entry><para>
450                     This menu item brings up a dialog box that allows you 
451                     to find a packet by many criteria.
452                     There is further information on finding packets in 
453                     <xref linkend="ChWorkFindPacketSection"/>.
454                   </para></entry>
455               </row>
456               <row>
457                 <entry><command>Find Next</command></entry>
458                 <entry>Ctrl+N</entry>
459                 <entry><para>
460                     This menu item tries to find the next packet matching the 
461                         settings from "Find Packet...".
462                   </para></entry>
463               </row>
464               <row>
465                 <entry><command>Find Previous</command></entry>
466                 <entry>Ctrl+B</entry>
467                 <entry><para>
468                     This menu item tries to find the previous packet matching the 
469                         settings from "Find Packet...".
470                   </para></entry>
471               </row>
472               <row>
473                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
474                 <entry></entry>
475                 <entry></entry>
476               </row>
477               <row>
478                 <entry><command>Time Reference > Set Time Reference</command></entry>
479                 <entry>Ctrl+T</entry>
480                 <entry><para>
481                     This menu item set a time reference on the currently selected 
482                         packet. See <xref linkend="ChWorkTimeReferencePacketSection"/> for more information 
483                       about the time referenced packets.
484                   </para></entry>
485               </row>
486               <row>
487                 <entry><command>Time Reference > Find Next</command></entry>
488                 <entry></entry>
489                 <entry><para>
490                     This menu item tries to find the next time referenced packet.
491                   </para></entry>
492               </row>
493               <row>
494                 <entry><command>Time Reference > Find Previous</command></entry>
495                 <entry></entry>
496                 <entry><para>
497                     This menu item tries to find the previous time referenced packet.
498                   </para></entry>
499               </row>
500               <row>
501                 <entry><command>Mark Packet</command></entry>
502                 <entry>Ctrl+M</entry>
503                 <entry><para>
504                     This menu item "marks" the currently selected packet. See
505                         <xref linkend="ChWorkMarkPacketSection"/> for details.
506                   </para></entry>
507               </row>
508               <row>
509                 <entry><command>Mark All Packets</command></entry>
510                 <entry></entry>
511                 <entry><para>
512                     This menu item "marks" all packets.
513                   </para></entry>
514               </row>
515               <row>
516                 <entry><command>Unmark All Packets</command></entry>
517                 <entry></entry>
518                 <entry><para>This menu item "unmarks" all marked packets.
519                   </para></entry>
520               </row>
521               <row>
522                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
523                 <entry></entry>
524                 <entry></entry>
525               </row>
526               <row>
527                 <entry><command>Preferences...</command></entry>
528                 <entry>Shift+Ctrl+P</entry>
529                 <entry><para>
530                     This menu item brings up a dialog box that allows 
531                     you to set preferences for many parameters that control 
532                     Ethereal.  You can also save your preferences so Ethereal 
533                     will use them the next time you start it. More detail 
534                     is provided in <xref linkend="ChCustPreferencesSection"/>.
535                   </para></entry>
536               </row>
537             </tbody>
538       </tgroup>
539     </table>
540   </section>
542   <section id="ChUseViewMenuSection"><title>The "View" menu</title>
543     <para>
544       The Ethereal View menu contains the fields shown in 
545       <xref linkend="ChUseTabView"/>.
546     </para>
547     <figure id="ChUseEtherealViewMenu">
548       <title>The "View" Menu</title>
549       <graphic entityref="EtherealViewMenu" format="PNG"/>
550     </figure>
551     <table id="ChUseTabView" frame="none">
552       <title>View menu items</title>
553       <tgroup cols="3">
554         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="72pt"/>
555           <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
556             <thead>
557               <row>
558                 <entry>Menu Item</entry>
559                 <entry>Accelerator</entry>
560                 <entry>Description</entry>
561               </row>
562             </thead>
563             <tbody>
564               <row>
565                 <entry><command>Main Toolbar</command></entry>
566                 <entry></entry>
567                 <entry><para>
568                     This menu item hides or shows the main toolbar, see 
569                   <xref linkend="ChUseMainToolbarSection"/>.
570                   </para></entry>
571               </row>
572               <row>
573                 <entry><command>Filter Toolbar</command></entry>
574                 <entry></entry>
575                 <entry><para>
576                     This menu item hides or shows the filter toolbar, see 
577                   <xref linkend="ChUseFilterToolbarSection"/>.
578                   </para></entry>
579               </row>
580               <row>
581                 <entry><command>Statusbar</command></entry>
582                 <entry></entry>
583                 <entry><para>
584                     This menu item hides or shows the statusbar, see 
585                   <xref linkend="ChUseStatusbarSection"/>.
586                   </para></entry>
587               </row>
588               <row>
589                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
590                 <entry></entry>
591                 <entry></entry>
592               </row>
593               <row>
594                 <entry><command>Packet List</command></entry>
595                 <entry></entry>
596                 <entry><para>
597                     This menu item hides or shows the packet list pane, see 
598                   <xref linkend="ChUsePacketListPaneSection"/>.
599                   </para></entry>
600               </row>
601               <row>
602                 <entry><command>Packet Details</command></entry>
603                 <entry></entry>
604                 <entry><para>
605                     This menu item hides or shows the packet details pane, see 
606                   <xref linkend="ChUsePacketDetailsPaneSection"/>.
607                   </para></entry>
608               </row>
609               <row>
610                 <entry><command>Packet Bytes</command></entry>
611                 <entry></entry>
612                 <entry><para>
613                     This menu item hides or shows the packet bytes pane, see 
614                   <xref linkend="ChUsePacketBytesPaneSection"/>.
615                   </para></entry>
616               </row>
617               <row>
618                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
619                 <entry></entry>
620                 <entry></entry>
621               </row>
622               <row>
623                 <entry><command>Time Display Format > Time of Day</command></entry>
624                 <entry></entry>
625                 <entry><para>
626               Selecting this tells Ethereal to display time 
627               stamps in time of day format, see 
628                   <xref linkend="ChWorkTimeFormatsSection"/>. 
629                   <note><title>Note!</title>
630                   <para>
631                   The fields "Time of Day", "Date and Time of 
632               Day", "Seconds Since Beginning of Capture" and "Seconds Since 
633               Previous Packet" are mutually exclusive.
634                   </para>
635                   </note>
636                   </para></entry>
637               </row>
638               <row>
639                 <entry><command>Time Display Format > Date and Time of Day</command></entry>
640                 <entry></entry>
641                 <entry><para>
642               Selecting this tells Ethereal to display the 
643               time stamps in date and time of day format, see 
644                   <xref linkend="ChWorkTimeFormatsSection"/>.
645                   </para></entry>
646               </row>
647               <row>
648                 <entry><command>Time Display Format > Seconds Since Beginning of Capture</command></entry>
649                 <entry></entry>
650                 <entry><para>
651               Selecting this tells Ethereal to display time 
652               stamps in seconds since beginning of capture format, see 
653                   <xref linkend="ChWorkTimeFormatsSection"/>.
654                   </para></entry>
655               </row>
656               <row>
657                 <entry><command>Time Display Format > Seconds Since Previous Packet</command></entry>
658                 <entry></entry>
659                 <entry><para>
660               Selecting this tells Ethereal to display time stamps in 
661               seconds since previous packet format, see 
662                   <xref linkend="ChWorkTimeFormatsSection"/>.
663                   </para></entry>
664               </row>
665               <row>
666                 <entry><command>Name Resolution > Resolve Name</command></entry>
667                 <entry></entry>
668                 <entry><para>
669                 This item allows you to trigger a name resolve of the current packet 
670                 only, see <xref linkend="ChAdvNameResolutionSection"/>.
671                   </para></entry>
672               </row>
673               <row>
674                 <entry><command>Name Resolution > Enable for MAC Layer</command></entry>
675                 <entry></entry>
676                 <entry><para>
677                 This item allows you to control whether or not 
678                 Ethereal translates MAC addresses into names, see
679                   <xref linkend="ChAdvNameResolutionSection"/>.
680                   </para></entry>
681               </row>
682               <row>
683                 <entry><command>Name Resolution > Enable for Network Layer</command></entry>
684                 <entry></entry>
685                 <entry><para>
686                 This item allows you to control whether or not 
687                 Ethereal translates network addresses into names, see
688                   <xref linkend="ChAdvNameResolutionSection"/>.
689                   </para></entry>
690               </row>
691               <row>
692                 <entry><command>Name Resolution > Enable for Transport Layer</command></entry>
693                 <entry></entry>
694                 <entry><para>
695                 This item allows you to control whether or not 
696                 Ethereal translates transport addresses into names, see
697                   <xref linkend="ChAdvNameResolutionSection"/>.
698                   </para></entry>
699               </row>
700               <row>
701                 <entry><command>Auto Scroll in Live Capture</command></entry>
702                 <entry></entry>
703                 <entry><para>
704                 This item allows you to specify that Ethereal 
705                 should scroll the packet list pane as new packets come 
706                 in, so you are always looking at the last packet.  If you 
707                 do not specify this, Ethereal simply adds new packets onto 
708                 the end of the list, but does not scroll the packet list 
709                 pane.
710                   </para></entry>
711               </row>
712               <row>
713                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
714                 <entry></entry>
715                 <entry></entry>
716               </row>
717               <row>
718                 <entry><command>Zoom In</command></entry>
719                 <entry>Ctrl++</entry>
720                 <entry><para>
721                   Zoom into the packet data (increase the font size).
722                   </para></entry>
723               </row>
724               <row>
725                 <entry><command>Zoom Out</command></entry>
726                 <entry>Ctrl+-</entry>
727                 <entry><para>
728                   Zoom out of the packet data (decrease the font size).
729                   </para></entry>
730               </row>
731               <row>
732                 <entry><command>Normal Size</command></entry>
733                 <entry>Ctrl+=</entry>
734                 <entry><para>
735                   Set zoom level back to 100% (set font size back to normal).
736                   </para></entry>
737               </row>
738               <row>
739                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
740                 <entry></entry>
741                 <entry></entry>
742               </row>
743               <row>
744                 <entry><command>Collapse All</command></entry>
745                 <entry></entry>
746                 <entry><para>
747                     Ethereal keeps a list of all the protocol subtrees 
748                     that are expanded, and uses it to ensure that the 
749                     correct subtrees are expanded when you display a packet. 
750                     This menu item collapses the tree view of all packets 
751                     in the capture list.  
752                   </para></entry>
753               </row>
754               <row>
755                 <entry><command>Expand All</command></entry>
756                 <entry></entry>
757                 <entry><para>
758                     This menu item expands all subtrees in all packets in 
759                     the capture. 
760                   </para></entry>
761               </row>
762               <row>
763                 <entry><command>Expand Tree</command></entry>
764                 <entry></entry>
765                 <entry><para>
766                     This menu item expands the currently selected subtree in the 
767                         packet details tree. 
768                   </para></entry>
769               </row>
770               <row>
771                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
772                 <entry></entry>
773                 <entry></entry>
774               </row>
775               <row>
776                 <entry><command>Coloring Rules...</command></entry>
777                 <entry></entry>
778                 <entry><para>
779                     This menu item brings up a dialog box that allows you 
780                     to color packets in the packet list pane according to 
781                     filter expressions you choose. It can be very useful 
782                     for spotting certain types of packets, see
783                   <xref linkend="ChCustColorizationSection"/>.
784                   </para></entry>
785               </row>
786               <row>
787                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
788                 <entry></entry>
789                 <entry></entry>
790               </row>
791               <row>
792                 <entry><command>Show Packet in New Window</command></entry>
793                 <entry></entry>
794                 <entry><para>
795                     This menu item brings up the selected packet in a 
796                     separate window. The separate window shows only the 
797                     tree view and byte view panes. 
798                   </para></entry>
799               </row>
800               <row>
801                 <entry><command>Reload</command></entry>
802                 <entry>Ctrl-R</entry>
803                 <entry><para>
804                     This menu item allows you to reload the current 
805                     capture file.
806                   </para></entry>
807               </row>
808             </tbody>
809       </tgroup>
810     </table>
811   </section>
813   <section id="ChUseGoMenuSection"><title>The "Go" menu</title>
814     <para>
815       The Ethereal Go menu contains the fields shown in 
816       <xref linkend="ChUseTabGo"/>.
817     </para>
818     <figure id="ChUseEtherealGoMenu">
819       <title>The "Go" Menu</title>
820       <graphic entityref="EtherealGoMenu" format="PNG"/>
821     </figure>
822     <table id="ChUseTabGo" frame="none">
823       <title>Go menu items</title>
824       <tgroup cols="3">
825         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="72pt"/>
826           <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
827             <thead>
828               <row>
829                 <entry>Menu Item</entry>
830                 <entry>Accelerator</entry>
831                 <entry>Description</entry>
832               </row>
833             </thead>
834             <tbody>
835               <row>
836                 <entry><command>Go to Packet...</command></entry>
837                 <entry>Ctrl-G</entry>
838                 <entry><para>
839                     This menu item brings up a dialog box that allows you 
840                     to specify a packet number, and then goes to that packet. See
841                         <xref linkend="ChWorkGoToPacketSection"/> for details.
842                   </para></entry>
843               </row>
844               <row>
845                 <entry><command>Go to Corresponding Packet</command></entry>
846                 <entry></entry>
847                 <entry><para>
848                     This menu item goes to the corresponding packet of the currently 
849                         selected protocol field. If the selected field doesn't correspond 
850                         to a packet, this item is greyed out.
851                   </para></entry>
852               </row>
853               <row>
854                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
855                 <entry></entry>
856                 <entry></entry>
857               </row>
858               <row>
859                 <entry><command>First Packet</command></entry>
860                 <entry></entry>
861                 <entry><para>
862                     This menu item jumps to the first packet of the capture file.
863                   </para></entry>
864               </row>
865               <row>
866                 <entry><command>Last Packet</command></entry>
867                 <entry></entry>
868                 <entry><para>
869                     This menu item jumps to the last packet of the capture file.
870                   </para></entry>
871               </row>
872             </tbody>
873       </tgroup>
874     </table>
875   </section>
877   <section id="ChUseCaptureMenuSection"><title>The "Capture" menu</title>
878     <para>
879       The Ethereal Capture menu contains the fields shown in 
880       <xref linkend="ChUseTabCap"/>.
881     </para>
882     <figure id="ChUseEtherealCaptureMenu">
883       <title>The "Capture" Menu</title>
884       <graphic entityref="EtherealCaptureMenu" format="PNG"/>
885     </figure>
886     <table id="ChUseTabCap" frame="none">
887       <title>Capture menu items</title>
888       <tgroup cols="3">
889         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="72pt"/>
890           <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
891             <thead>
892               <row>
893                 <entry>Menu Item</entry>
894                 <entry>Accelerator</entry>
895                 <entry>Description</entry>
896               </row>
897             </thead>
898             <tbody>
899               <row>
900                 <entry><command>Start...</command></entry>
901                 <entry>Ctrl+K</entry>
902                 <entry><para>
903                     This menu item brings up the Capture Options 
904                     dialog box (discussed further in 
905                     <xref linkend="ChCapCaptureOptions"/>) and allows you to 
906                       start capturing packets.
907                   </para></entry>
908               </row>
909               <row>
910                 <entry><command>Stop</command></entry>
911                 <entry>Ctrl+E</entry>
912                 <entry><para>
913                     This menu item stops the currently running capture, see
914                         <xref linkend="ChCapStopSection"/>) .
915                   </para></entry>
916               </row>
917               <row>
918                 <entry><command>Interfaces ...</command></entry>
919                 <entry></entry>
920                 <entry><para>
921                     This menu item brings up a dialog box that shows what's going on 
922                         at the network interfaces Ethereal knows of, see
923                         <xref linkend="ChCapInterfaceSection"/>) .
924                   </para></entry>
925               </row>
926               <row>
927                 <entry><command>Capture Filters...</command></entry>
928                 <entry></entry>
929                 <entry><para>
930                     This menu item brings up a dialog box that allows you to 
931                     create and edit capture filters. You can name filters, 
932                     and you can save them for future use. More detail on 
933                     this subject is provided in 
934                     <xref linkend="ChWorkDefineFilterSection"/>
935                   </para></entry>
936               </row>
937             </tbody>
938       </tgroup>
939     </table>
940   </section>
942   <section id="ChUseAnalyzeMenuSection"><title>The "Analyze" menu</title>
943     <para>
944       The Ethereal Analyze menu contains the fields shown in 
945       <xref linkend="ChUseAnalyze"/>.
946     </para>
947     <figure id="ChUseEtherealAnalyzeMenu">
948       <title>The "Analyze" Menu</title>
949       <graphic entityref="EtherealAnalyzeMenu" format="PNG"/>
950     </figure>
951     <table id="ChUseAnalyze" frame="none"><title>Analyze menu items</title>
952       <tgroup cols="3">
953         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="72pt"/>
954           <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
955             <thead>
956               <row>
957                 <entry>Menu Item</entry>
958                 <entry>Accelerator</entry>
959                 <entry>Description</entry>
960               </row>
961             </thead>
962             <tbody>
963               <row>
964                 <entry><command>Display Filters...</command></entry>
965                 <entry></entry>
966                 <entry><para>
967                     This menu item brings up a dialog box that allows you 
968                     to create and edit display filters. You can name 
969                     filters, and you can save them for future use. More 
970                     detail on this subject is provided in 
971                     <xref linkend="ChWorkDefineFilterSection"/>
972                   </para></entry>
973               </row>
974               <row>
975                 <entry><command>Apply as Filter > ...</command></entry>
976                 <entry></entry>
977                 <entry><para>
978                         These menu items will change the current display filter and apply 
979                         the changed filter immediately. Depending on the chosen menu item,
980                         the current display filter string will be replaced or appended to 
981                         by the selected protocol field in the packet details pane.
982                   </para></entry>
983               </row>
984               <row>
985                 <entry><command>Prepare a Filter > ...</command></entry>
986                 <entry></entry>
987                 <entry><para>
988                         These menu items will change the current display filter but won't 
989                         apply the changed filter. Depending on the chosen menu item,
990                         the current display filter string will be replaced or appended to
991                         by the selected protocol field in the packet details pane.
992                   </para></entry>
993               </row>
994               <row>
995                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
996                 <entry></entry>
997                 <entry></entry>
998               </row>
999               <row>
1000                 <entry><command>Enabled Protocols...</command></entry>
1001                 <entry>Shift+Ctrl+R</entry>
1002                 <entry><para>
1003                         This menu item allows the user to enable/disable protocol 
1004                         dissectors, see <xref linkend="ChAdvEnabledProtocols"/>
1005                   </para></entry>
1006               </row>
1007               <row>
1008                 <entry><command>Decode As...</command></entry>
1009                 <entry></entry>
1010                 <entry><para>
1011                     This menu item allows the user to force Ethereal to 
1012                     decode certain packets as a particular protocol, see 
1013                         <xref linkend="ChAdvDecodeAs"/>
1014                   </para></entry>
1015               </row>
1016               <row>
1017                 <entry><command>User Specified Decodes...</command></entry>
1018                 <entry></entry>
1019                 <entry><para>
1020                     This menu item allows the user to force Ethereal to 
1021                     decode certain packets as a particular protocol, see 
1022                         <xref linkend="ChAdvDecodeAsShow"/>
1023                   </para></entry>
1024               </row>
1025               <row>
1026                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
1027                 <entry></entry>
1028                 <entry></entry>
1029               </row>
1030               <row>
1031                 <entry><command>Follow TCP Stream</command></entry>
1032                 <entry></entry>
1033                 <entry><para>
1034                     This menu item brings up a separate window and displays 
1035                     all the TCP segments captured that are on the same TCP 
1036                     connection as a selected packet, see
1037                     <xref linkend="ChAdvFollowTCPSection"/>
1038                   </para></entry>
1039               </row>
1040             </tbody>
1041       </tgroup>
1042     </table>
1043   </section>
1045   <section id="ChUseStatisticsMenuSection"><title>The "Statistics" menu</title>
1046     <para>
1047       The Ethereal Statistics menu contains the fields shown in 
1048       <xref linkend="ChUseStatistics"/>.
1049     </para>
1050     <figure id="ChUseEtherealStatisticsMenu">
1051       <title>The "Statistics" Menu</title>
1052       <graphic entityref="EtherealStatisticsMenu" format="PNG"/>
1053     </figure>
1054     <para>
1055         All menu items will bring up a new window showing specific statistical 
1056         information.
1057     </para>
1058     <table id="ChUseStatistics" frame="none">
1059       <title>Statistics menu items</title>
1060       <tgroup cols="3">
1061         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="72pt"/>
1062           <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
1063             <thead>
1064               <row>
1065                 <entry>Menu Item</entry>
1066                 <entry>Accelerator</entry>
1067                 <entry>Description</entry>
1068               </row>
1069             </thead>
1070             <tbody>
1071               <row>
1072                 <entry><command>Summary</command></entry>
1073                 <entry></entry>
1074                 <entry><para>
1075                     Show information about the data captured, see <xref 
1076                         linkend="ChStatSummary"/>. 
1077                   </para></entry>
1078               </row>
1079               <row>
1080                 <entry><command>Protocol Hierarchy</command></entry>
1081                 <entry></entry>
1082                 <entry><para>
1083                     Display a hierarchical tree of protocol statistics, see <xref 
1084                         linkend="ChStatHierarchy"/>.
1085                   </para></entry>
1086               </row>
1087               <row>
1088                 <entry><command>Conversations</command></entry>
1089                 <entry></entry>
1090                 <entry><para>
1091                     Display a list of conversations (traffic between two endpoints), 
1092                         see <xref linkend="ChStatConversationsWindow"/>.
1093                   </para></entry>
1094               </row>
1095               <row>
1096                 <entry><command>Endpoints</command></entry>
1097                 <entry></entry>
1098                 <entry><para>
1099                     Display a list of endpoints (traffic to/from an address), see 
1100                         <xref linkend="ChStatEndpointsWindow"/>.
1101                   </para></entry>
1102               </row>
1103               <row>
1104                 <entry><command>IO Graphs</command></entry>
1105                 <entry></entry>
1106                 <entry><para>
1107                     Display user specified graphs (e.g. the number of packets in the 
1108                         course of time), see <xref linkend="ChStatIOGraphs"/>.
1109                   </para></entry>
1110               </row>
1111               <row>
1112                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
1113                 <entry></entry>
1114                 <entry></entry>
1115               </row>
1116               <row>
1117                 <entry><command>Conversation List</command></entry>
1118                 <entry></entry>
1119                 <entry><para>
1120                     Display a list of conversations, obsoleted by the combined window 
1121                         of Conversations above, see 
1122                         <xref linkend="ChStatConversationListWindow"/>.
1123                   </para></entry>
1124               </row>
1125               <row>
1126                 <entry><command>Endpoint List</command></entry>
1127                 <entry></entry>
1128                 <entry><para>
1129                     Display a list of endpoints, obsoleted by the combined window 
1130                         of Endpoints above, see 
1131                         <xref linkend="ChStatEndpointListWindow"/>.
1132                   </para></entry>
1133               </row>
1134               <row>
1135                 <entry><command>Service Response Time</command></entry>
1136                 <entry></entry>
1137                 <entry><para>
1138                         Display the time between a request and the corresponding response, see 
1139                         <xref linkend="ChStatSRT"/>.
1140                   </para></entry>
1141               </row>
1142               <row>
1143                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
1144                 <entry></entry>
1145                 <entry></entry>
1146               </row>
1147               <row>
1148                 <entry><command>ANSI</command></entry>
1149                 <entry></entry>
1150                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1151               </row>
1152               <row>
1153                 <entry><command>BOOTP-DHCP</command></entry>
1154                 <entry></entry>
1155                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1156               </row>
1157               <row>
1158                 <entry><command>GSM</command></entry>
1159                 <entry></entry>
1160                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1161               </row>
1162               <row>
1163                 <entry><command>HTTP</command></entry>
1164                 <entry></entry>
1165                 <entry><para>HTTP request/response statistics, see <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1166               </row>
1167               <row>
1168                 <entry><command>ISUP Message Types</command></entry>
1169                 <entry></entry>
1170                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1171               </row>
1172               <row>
1173                 <entry><command>ITU-T H.225</command></entry>
1174                 <entry></entry>
1175                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1176               </row>
1177               <row>
1178                 <entry><command>MTP3</command></entry>
1179                 <entry></entry>
1180                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1181               </row>
1182               <row>
1183                 <entry><command>ONC-RPC Programs</command></entry>
1184                 <entry></entry>
1185                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1186               </row>
1187               <row>
1188                 <entry><command>RTP</command></entry>
1189                 <entry></entry>
1190                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1191               </row>
1192               <row>
1193                 <entry><command>SIP</command></entry>
1194                 <entry></entry>
1195                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1196               </row>
1197               <row>
1198                 <entry><command>TCP Stream Graph</command></entry>
1199                 <entry></entry>
1200                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1201               </row>
1202               <row>
1203                 <entry><command>WAP-WSP</command></entry>
1204                 <entry></entry>
1205                 <entry><para>See <xref linkend="ChStatXXX"/></para></entry>
1206               </row>
1207             </tbody>
1208       </tgroup>
1209     </table>
1210   </section>
1212   <section id="ChUseHelpMenuSection"><title>The "Help" menu</title>
1213     <para>
1214       The Ethereal Help menu contains the fields shown in 
1215       <xref linkend="ChUseHelp"/>.
1216     </para>
1217     <figure id="ChUseEtherealHelpMenu">
1218       <title>The "Help" Menu</title>
1219       <graphic entityref="EtherealHelpMenu" format="PNG"/>
1220     </figure>
1221     <table id="ChUseHelp" frame="none">
1222       <title>Help menu items</title>
1223       <tgroup cols="3">
1224         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="72pt"/>
1225           <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
1226             <thead>
1227               <row>
1228                 <entry>Menu Item</entry>
1229                 <entry>Accelerator</entry>
1230                 <entry>Description</entry>
1231               </row>
1232             </thead>
1233             <tbody>
1234               <row>
1235                 <entry><command>Contents</command></entry>
1236                 <entry>F1</entry>
1237                 <entry><para>
1238                     This menu item brings up a basic help system.
1239                   </para></entry>
1240               </row>
1241               <row>
1242                 <entry><command>Supported Protocols</command></entry>
1243                 <entry></entry>
1244                 <entry><para>
1245                     This menu item brings up a dialog box showing the supported 
1246                         protocols and protocol fields.
1247                   </para></entry>
1248               </row>
1249               <row>
1250                 <entry><command>Manual Pages > ...</command></entry>
1251                 <entry></entry>
1252                 <entry><para>
1253                     This menu item starts a Web browser showing one of the locally 
1254                         installed html manual pages.
1255                   </para></entry>
1256               </row>
1257               <row>
1258                 <entry><command>Ethereal Online > ...</command></entry>
1259                 <entry></entry>
1260                 <entry><para>
1261                     This menu item starts a Web browser showing the chosen 
1262                         webpage from: 
1263                         <ulink url="&EtherealWebSite;">&EtherealWebSite;</ulink>.
1264                   </para></entry>
1265               </row>
1266               <row>
1267                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
1268                 <entry></entry>
1269                 <entry></entry>
1270               </row>
1271               <row>
1272                 <entry><command>About Ethereal</command></entry>
1273                 <entry></entry>
1274                 <entry><para>
1275                     This menu item brings up an information window that 
1276                     provides some information on Ethereal, such as the plugins, the 
1277                         used folders, ...
1278                   </para></entry>
1279               </row>
1280             </tbody>
1281       </tgroup>
1282     </table>
1283         <note><title>Note!</title>
1284         <para>
1285         Calling a Web browser might be unsupported in your version of Ethereal.
1286         If this is the case, the corresponding menu items will be hidden.
1287         </para>
1288         </note>
1289         <note><title>Note!</title>
1290         <para>
1291         If calling a Web browser fails on your machine, maybe because just nothing 
1292         happens or the browser is started but no page is shown, have a look at the 
1293         webbrowser setting in the preferences dialog.
1294         </para>
1295         </note>
1296   </section> 
1298   <section id="ChUseMainToolbarSection"><title>The "Main" toolbar</title>
1299     <para>
1300       The main toolbar provides quick access to frequently used items from the 
1301           menu. This toolbar cannot be customized by the user, but it can be hidden
1302           using the View menu, if the space on the screen is needed to show even 
1303           more packet data.
1304     </para>
1305     <para>
1306         As in the menu, only the items useful in the current program state will 
1307         be available. The others will be greyed out (e.g. you cannot save a capture
1308         file if you haven't loaded one).
1309     <figure id="ChUseEtherealMainToolbar">
1310       <title>The "Main" toolbar</title>
1311       <graphic entityref="EtherealMainToolbar" format="PNG"/>
1312     </figure>
1313     </para>
1314     <table id="ChUseMainToolbar" frame="none">
1315       <title>Main toolbar items</title>
1316       <tgroup cols="4">
1317         <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="40pt"/>
1318           <colspec colnum="2" colwidth="80pt"/>
1319           <colspec colnum="3" colwidth="80pt"/>
1320             <thead>
1321               <row>
1322                 <entry>Toolbar Icon</entry>
1323                 <entry>Toolbar Item</entry>
1324                 <entry>Corresponding Menu Item</entry>
1325                 <entry>Description</entry>
1326               </row>
1327             </thead>
1328             <tbody>
1329               <row>
1330                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarCapture" format="PNG"/></entry>
1331                 <entry><command>Start Capture...</command></entry>
1332                 <entry>Capture/Start...</entry>
1333                 <entry><para>
1334                     This item brings up the Capture Options 
1335                     dialog box (discussed further in 
1336                     <xref linkend="ChCapCapturingSection"/>) and allows you to 
1337                       start capturing packets.
1338                   </para>
1339                         <note><title>Note!</title>
1340                         <para>
1341                         If a live capture is in progress, and you are using "Update List 
1342                         of Packets in Realtime", this icon will be replaced by the Stop 
1343                         Capture icon 
1344                         <inlinegraphic entityref="EtherealToolbarStop" format="PNG"/>.
1345                   </para></note>
1346                   </entry>
1347               </row>
1348               <row>
1349                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarStop" format="PNG"/></entry>
1350                 <entry><command>Stop Capture</command></entry>
1351                 <entry>Capture/Stop</entry>
1352                 <entry><para>
1353                     This item stops the currently running live capture process 
1354                         <xref linkend="ChCapCapturingSection"/>).
1355                   </para>
1356                         <note><title>Note!</title>
1357                         <para>
1358                         This icon is shown if a live capture is in progress, and you are 
1359                         using "Update List of Packets in Realtime", otherwise the Start 
1360                         Capture icon 
1361                         <inlinegraphic entityref="EtherealToolbarCapture" format="PNG"/>
1362                         is shown.
1363                   </para></note>
1364                   </entry>
1365               </row>
1366               <row>
1367                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
1368                 <entry></entry>
1369                 <entry></entry>
1370               </row>
1371               <row>
1372                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarOpen" format="PNG"/></entry>
1373                 <entry><command>Open...</command></entry>
1374                 <entry>File/Open...</entry>
1375                 <entry><para>
1376                     This item brings up the file open dialog box that 
1377                     allows you to load a capture file for viewing. It is 
1378                     discussed in more detail in <xref linkend="ChIOOpen"/>.
1379                   </para></entry>
1380               </row>
1381               <row>
1382                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarSaveAs" format="PNG"/></entry>
1383                 <entry><command>Save As...</command></entry>
1384                 <entry>File/Save As...</entry>
1385                 <entry><para>
1386                     This item allows you to save the current capture file to whatever 
1387                         file you would like. It pops up the Save Capture File As dialog 
1388                         box (which is discussed further in <xref linkend="ChIOSaveAs"/>). 
1389                         </para>
1390                         <note><title>Note!</title>
1391                         <para>
1392                         If you currently have a temporary capture file, the Save icon 
1393                         <inlinegraphic entityref="EtherealToolbarSave" format="PNG"/> will be 
1394                         shown instead.
1395                   </para></note>
1396                   </entry>
1397               </row>
1398               <row>
1399                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarClose" format="PNG"/></entry>
1400                 <entry><command>Close</command></entry>
1401                 <entry>File/Close</entry>
1402                 <entry><para>
1403                     This item closes the current capture. If you 
1404                     have not saved the capture, you will be asked to save it first.
1405                   </para></entry>
1406               </row>
1407               <row>
1408                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarReload" format="PNG"/></entry>
1409                 <entry><command>Reload</command></entry>
1410                 <entry>View/Reload</entry>
1411                 <entry><para>
1412                     This item allows you to reload the current capture file.
1413                   </para></entry>
1414               </row>
1415               <row>
1416                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarPrint" format="PNG"/></entry>
1417                 <entry><command>Print...</command></entry>
1418                 <entry>File/Print...</entry>
1419                 <entry><para>
1420                     This item allows you to print all (or some of) the packets in 
1421                     the capture file. It pops up the Ethereal Print dialog 
1422                     box (which is discussed further in 
1423                     <xref linkend="ChIOPrintSection"/>).
1424                   </para></entry>
1425               </row>
1426               <row>
1427                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
1428                 <entry></entry>
1429                 <entry></entry>
1430               </row>
1431               <row>
1432                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarFind" format="PNG"/></entry>
1433                 <entry><command>Find Packet...</command></entry>
1434                 <entry>Edit/Find Packet...</entry>
1435                 <entry><para>
1436                     This item brings up a dialog box that allows you 
1437                     to find a packet. There is further information on finding packets 
1438                         in <xref linkend="ChWorkFindPacketSection"/>.
1439                   </para></entry>
1440               </row>
1441               <row>
1442                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarFindPrevious" format="PNG"/></entry>
1443                 <entry><command>Find Previous</command></entry>
1444                 <entry>Edit/Find Previous</entry>
1445                 <entry><para>
1446                     This item tries to find the previous packet, matching the 
1447                         settings from "Find Packet...".
1448                   </para></entry>
1449               </row>
1450               <row>
1451                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarFindNext" format="PNG"/></entry>
1452                 <entry><command>Find Next</command></entry>
1453                 <entry>Edit/Find Next</entry>
1454                 <entry><para>
1455                     This item tries to find the next packet, matching the 
1456                         settings from "Find Packet...".
1457                   </para></entry>
1458               </row>
1459               <row>
1460                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
1461                 <entry></entry>
1462                 <entry></entry>
1463               </row>
1464               <row>
1465                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarGoTo" format="PNG"/></entry>
1466                 <entry><command>Go to Packet...</command></entry>
1467                 <entry>Go/Go to Packet...</entry>
1468                 <entry><para>
1469                     This item brings up a dialog box that allows you 
1470                     to specify a packet number to go to that packet.
1471                   </para></entry>
1472               </row>
1473               <row>
1474                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarGoFirst" format="PNG"/></entry>
1475                 <entry><command>Go To First Packet</command></entry>
1476                 <entry>Go/First Packet</entry>
1477                 <entry><para>
1478                     This item jumps to the first packet of the capture file.
1479                   </para></entry>
1480               </row>
1481               <row>
1482                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarGoLast" format="PNG"/></entry>
1483                 <entry><command>Go To Last Packet</command></entry>
1484                 <entry>Go/Last Packet</entry>
1485                 <entry><para>
1486                     This item jumps to the last packet of the capture file.
1487                   </para></entry>
1488               </row>              
1489               <row>
1490                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
1491                 <entry></entry>
1492                 <entry></entry>
1493               </row>
1494               <row>
1495                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarZoomIn" format="PNG"/></entry>
1496                 <entry><command>Zoom In</command></entry>
1497                 <entry>View/Zoom In</entry>
1498                 <entry><para>
1499                   Zoom into the packet data (increase the font size).
1500                   </para></entry>
1501               </row>
1502               <row>
1503                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarZoomOut" format="PNG"/></entry>
1504                 <entry><command>Zoom Out</command></entry>
1505                 <entry>View/Zoom Out</entry>
1506                 <entry><para>
1507                   Zoom out of the packet data (decrease the font size).
1508                   </para></entry>
1509               </row>
1510               <row>
1511                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarZoom100" format="PNG"/></entry>
1512                 <entry><command>Normal Size</command></entry>
1513                 <entry>View/Normal Size</entry>
1514                 <entry><para>
1515                   Set zoom level back to 100%.
1516                   </para></entry>
1517               </row>
1518               <row>
1519                 <entry><command>------</command></entry>
1520                 <entry></entry>
1521                 <entry></entry>
1522               </row>
1523               <row>
1524                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarCaptureFilters" format="PNG"/></entry>
1525                 <entry><command>Capture Filters...</command></entry>
1526                 <entry>Capture/Capture Filters...</entry>
1527                 <entry><para>
1528                     This item brings up a dialog box that allows you to 
1529                     create and edit capture filters. You can name filters, 
1530                     and you can save them for future use. More detail on 
1531                     this subject is provided in 
1532                     <xref linkend="ChWorkDefineFilterSection"/>.
1533                   </para></entry>
1534               </row>
1535               <row>
1536                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarDisplayFilters" format="PNG"/></entry>
1537                 <entry><command>Display Filters...</command></entry>
1538                 <entry>Analyze/Display Filters...</entry>
1539                 <entry><para>
1540                     This item brings up a dialog box that allows you 
1541                     to create and edit display filters. You can name 
1542                     filters, and you can save them for future use. More 
1543                     detail on this subject is provided in 
1544                     <xref linkend="ChWorkDefineFilterSection"/>.
1545                   </para></entry>
1546               </row>
1547               <row>
1548                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarColoringRules" format="PNG"/></entry>
1549                 <entry><command>Coloring Rules...</command></entry>
1550                 <entry>View/Coloring Rules...</entry>
1551                 <entry><para>
1552                     This item brings up a dialog box that allows you 
1553                     color packets in the packet list pane according to 
1554                     filter expressions you choose. It can be very useful 
1555                     for spotting certain types of packets. More 
1556                     detail on this subject is provided in 
1557                     <xref linkend="ChCustColorizationSection"/>.
1558                   </para></entry>
1559               </row>
1560               <row>
1561                 <entry><graphic entityref="EtherealToolbarPreferences" format="PNG"/></entry>
1562                 <entry><command>Preferences...</command></entry>
1563                 <entry>Edit/Preferences</entry>
1564                 <entry><para>
1565                     This item brings up a dialog box that allows 
1566                     you to set preferences for many parameters that control 
1567                     Ethereal.  You can also save your preferences so Ethereal 
1568                     will use them the next time you start it. More detail 
1569                     is provided in <xref linkend="ChCustPreferencesSection"/>
1570                   </para></entry>
1571               </row>
1572             </tbody>
1573       </tgroup>
1574     </table>
1575   </section> 
1577   <section id="ChUseFilterToolbarSection"><title>The "Filter" toolbar</title>
1578     <para>
1579       The filter toolbar lets you quickly edit and apply display filters. More information on 
1580             display filters is available in <xref linkend="ChWorkDisplayFilterSection"/>. 
1581     <figure id="ChUseEtherealFilterToolbar">
1582       <title>The "Filter" toolbar</title>
1583       <graphic entityref="EtherealFilterToolbar" format="PNG"/>
1584     </figure>
1585       <itemizedlist>
1586         <listitem>
1587           <para>
1588             The leftmost button labeled "Filter:" can be clicked to 
1589             bring up the filter construction dialog, described in <xref linkend="FiltersDialog"/>.
1590           </para>
1591         </listitem>
1592         <listitem> 
1593           <para>
1594             The left middle text box provides an area to enter or edit display
1595             filter strings, see <xref linkend="ChWorkBuildDisplayFilterSection"/>
1596                 . A syntax check of your filter string is done while you are typing. 
1597                 The background will turn red if you enter an incomplete or invalid 
1598                 string, and will become green when you enter a valid string. You can 
1599                 click on the pull down arrow to select a previously-entered filter 
1600                 string from a list. The entries in the pull down list will remain 
1601                 available even after a program restart.
1602           </para>
1603           <note><title>Note!</title>
1604           <para>
1605                 After you've changed something in this field, don't forget to press 
1606                 the Apply button (or the Enter/Return key), to apply this filter 
1607                 string to the display.
1608           </para>
1609           </note>
1610           <note><title>Note!</title>
1611           <para>
1612                 This field is also where the current filter in effect is displayed.
1613           </para>
1614           </note>
1615         </listitem>
1616         <listitem>
1617           <para>
1618             The middle button labeled "Add Expression..." opens a dialog box that lets
1619                 you edit a display filter from a list of protocol fields, described in 
1620                  <xref linkend="ChWorkFilterAddExpressionSection"/>
1621           </para>
1622         </listitem>
1623         <listitem>
1624           <para>
1625             The right middle button labeled "Clear" resets the current 
1626             display filter and clears the edit area.
1627           </para>
1628         </listitem>
1629         <listitem>
1630           <para> 
1631             The rightmost button labeled "Apply" applies the current 
1632             value in the edit area as the new display filter.
1633           </para>
1634         </listitem>
1635       </itemizedlist>
1636     </para>
1637           <note><title>Note!</title>
1638           <para>
1639                 Applying a display filter on large capture files might take quite a long time!
1640           </para>
1641           </note>
1642   </section> 
1644   <section id="ChUsePacketListPaneSection"><title>The "Packet List" pane</title>
1645     <para>
1646       The packet list pane displays all the packets in the current capture 
1647           file.
1648     <figure id="ChUseEtherealListPane">
1649       <title>The "Packet List" pane</title>
1650       <graphic entityref="EtherealListPane" format="PNG"/>
1651     </figure>
1652         Each line in the packet list corrresponds to one packet in the capture 
1653         file. If you select a line in this pane, more details will be displayed in 
1654         the "Packet Details" and "Packet Bytes" panes.
1655     </para>
1656     <para>
1657         While dissecting a packet, Ethereal will place information from the 
1658         protocol dissectors into the columns. As higher level protocols might
1659         overwrite information from lower levels, you will typically see the 
1660         information from the highest possible level only. 
1661     </para>
1662     <para>      
1663         For example, let's look at a packet containing TCP inside IP inside
1664         an Ethernet packet. The Ethernet dissector will write its data (such as 
1665         the Ethernet addresses), the IP dissector will overwrite this by its own 
1666         (such as the IP addresses), the TCP dissector will overwrite the IP 
1667         information, and so on.
1668     </para>
1669     <para>
1670         There are a lot of different columns available. Which columns are 
1671         displayed can be selected by preference settings, see 
1672         <xref linkend="ChCustGUIColumnsPrefPage"/>.
1673     </para>
1674     <para>
1675         The default columns will show:
1676         <itemizedlist>
1677         <listitem>
1678           <para><command>No.</command>
1679           The number of the packet in the capture file. This number won't change, 
1680           even if a display filter is used.
1681           </para>
1682         </listitem>
1683         <listitem>
1684           <para><command>Time</command>
1685           The timestamp of the packet. The presentation format of this timestamp 
1686           can be changed, see <xref linkend="ChWorkTimeFormatsSection"/>.
1687           </para>
1688         </listitem>
1689         <listitem>
1690           <para><command>Source</command>
1691           The address where this packet is coming from. 
1692           </para>
1693         </listitem>
1694         <listitem>
1695           <para><command>Destination</command>
1696           The address where this packet is going to.
1697           </para>
1698         </listitem>
1699         <listitem>
1700           <para><command>Protocol</command>
1701           The protocol name in a short (perhaps abbreviated) version.
1702           </para>
1703         </listitem>
1704         <listitem>
1705           <para><command>Info</command>
1706           Additional information about the packet content.
1707           </para>
1708         </listitem>
1709         </itemizedlist>
1710     </para>
1711     <para>
1712         There is a context menu (right mouse click) available, see details in 
1713         <xref linkend="ChWorkPacketListPanePopUpMenu"/>.
1714     </para>
1715   </section>      
1717   <section id="ChUsePacketDetailsPaneSection"><title>The "Packet Details" pane</title>
1718     <para>
1719       The packet details pane shows the current packet (selected in the "Packet List" 
1720           pane) in a more detailed form.
1721     <figure id="ChUseEtherealDetailsPane">
1722       <title>The "Packet Details" pane</title>
1723       <graphic entityref="EtherealDetailsPane" format="PNG"/>
1724     </figure>
1725     </para>
1726     <para>
1727         This pane shows the protocols and protocol fields of the packet selected 
1728         in the "Packet List" pane. The protocols and fields of the packet are 
1729         displayed using a tree, which can be expanded and collapsed. 
1730     </para>     
1731     <para>
1732         There is a context menu (right mouse click) available, see details in 
1733         <xref linkend="ChWorkPacketDetailsPanePopUpMenu"/>.
1734     </para>
1735     <para>
1736         Some protocol fields are specially displayed. 
1737     </para>     
1738         <itemizedlist>
1739         <listitem>
1740     <para>
1741         <command>Generated fields</command>
1742         Ethereal itself will generate additional protocol fields which are 
1743         surrounded by brackets. The information in these fields is derived from the 
1744         known context to other packets in the capture file. For example, Ethereal 
1745         is doing a sequence/acknowledge analysis of each TCP stream, 
1746         which is displayed in the [SEQ/ACK analysis] fields of the TCP protocol.
1747     </para>     
1748         </listitem>
1749         <listitem>
1750     <para>      
1751         <command>Links</command>
1752         If Ethereal detected a relationship to another packet in the capture file, 
1753         it will generate a link to that packet. Links are underlined and displayed 
1754         in blue. If double-clicked, Ethereal jumps to the corresponding packet. 
1755     </para>     
1756         </listitem>
1757         </itemizedlist>
1758   </section>      
1760   <section id="ChUsePacketBytesPaneSection"><title>The "Packet Bytes" pane</title>
1761     <para>
1762       The packet bytes pane shows the data of the current packet (selected in the "Packet List" 
1763           pane) in a hexdump style.
1764     <figure id="ChUseEtherealBytesPane">
1765       <title>The "Packet Bytes" pane</title>
1766       <graphic entityref="EtherealBytesPane" format="PNG"/>
1767     </figure>
1768     </para>
1769     <para>
1770         As usual for a hexdump, the left side shows the offset in the packet data, 
1771         in the middle the packet data is shown in a hexadecimal representation and 
1772         on the right the corresponding ASCII characters (or . if not appropriate) 
1773         are displayed.
1774     </para>
1775     <para>
1776         There is a context menu (right mouse click) available, see details in 
1777         <xref linkend="ChWorkPacketBytesPanePopUpMenu"/>.
1778     </para>
1779     <para>
1780         Depending on the packet data, sometimes more than one page is available,
1781         e.g. when Ethereal has reassembled some packets into a single chunk of 
1782         data, see <xref linkend="ChAdvReassemblySection"/>. In this case there are 
1783         some additional tabs shown at the bottom of the pane to let you select 
1784         the page you want to see.
1785     <figure id="ChUseEtherealBytesPaneTabs">
1786       <title>The "Packet Bytes" pane with tabs</title>
1787       <graphic entityref="EtherealBytesPaneTabs" format="PNG"/>
1788     </figure>
1789     </para>
1790         <note><title>Note!</title>
1791         <para>
1792         The additional pages might contain data picked from multiple packets.
1793         </para>
1794         </note>
1795     <para>
1796         The context menu (right mouse click) of the tab labels will show a list of 
1797         all available pages. This can be helpful if the size in the pane is too 
1798         small for all the tab labels.
1799     </para>
1800   </section>      
1802   <section id="ChUseStatusbarSection"><title>The Statusbar</title>
1803     <para>
1804       The statusbar displays informational messages.
1805     </para>
1806     <para>
1807         In general, the left side will show context related information, while the 
1808         right side will show the current number of packets.
1809     </para>
1810     <para>
1811     <figure id="ChUseEtherealStatusbarEmpty">
1812       <title>The initial Statusbar</title>
1813       <graphic entityref="EtherealStatusbarEmpty" format="PNG"/>
1814     </figure>
1815         This statusbar is shown while no capture file is loaded, e.g. when 
1816         Ethereal is started.
1817         </para>
1818         <para>
1819                 <figure id="ChUseEtherealStatusbarLoaded">
1820                   <title>The Statusbar with a loaded capture file</title>
1821                   <graphic entityref="EtherealStatusbarLoaded" format="PNG"/>
1822                 </figure>
1823                 The left side shows information about the capture file, its 
1824                 name, its size and the elapsed time while it was being captured.
1825         </para>
1826         <para>
1827                 The right side shows the current number of packets in the 
1828                 capture file. The following values are displayed:
1829             <itemizedlist mark="bullet">
1830             <listitem>
1831                 <para><emphasis>P:</emphasis> the number of captured packets</para>
1832             </listitem>
1833             <listitem>
1834                 <para><emphasis>D:</emphasis> the number of packets currently being 
1835                 displayed</para>
1836             </listitem>
1837             <listitem>
1838                 <para><emphasis>M:</emphasis> the number of marked packets</para>
1839             </listitem>
1840             </itemizedlist>
1841         </para>
1842         <para>
1843     <figure id="ChUseEtherealStatusbarSelected">
1844       <title>The Statusbar with a selected protocol field</title>
1845       <graphic entityref="EtherealStatusbarSelected" format="PNG"/>
1846     </figure>
1847                 This is displayed if you have selected a protocol field from the 
1848                 "Packet Details" pane. 
1849     </para>
1850     <tip><title>Tip!</title>
1851         <para>
1852                 The value between the brackets (in this example
1853                 <command>arp.opcode</command>) can be used as a display filter string, 
1854                 representing the selected protocol field.
1855         </para>
1856     </tip>
1857   </section>      
1859 </chapter>
1860 <!-- End of EUG Chapter 3 -->