urrent release (3.0.0): - test and fix SSL support - update documentation - finish python module: - pass client / network / line arguments correctly - examples - testing - fix issue with loading state from linestack_file - better handling of log_network_state() - reimplement noticelog - use 'report-time' setting - finish upgrade script - make editing config file optional - obey 'separate_processes' option - cope with renamed networks (so we don't end up with two of the same name) - hierarchical structure for admin commands - NETWORK - ADD - REMOVE - LIST - DISCONNECT - NEXTSERVER - INFO - CHANNEL LIST - LISTENER - SAVECONFIG next minor release (3.0.1): - properly expand second argument of PRIVMSG in log_irssi and log_custom - rules in socks and listener based on ip addresses/ranges - auth mechanism like the abandoned 3.0 has? - support passwords in listener for selecting between networks - some sort of cascading filters, remove options from line struct - more advanced repl backends, rules-based perhaps? - use more GLib functions (e.g. g_spawn() rather then fork(), g_swap_async_with_pipes() instead of piped_child(), etc) - warn about unclaimed options! next major release (3.1.0): - merge report_time into the repl_ modules - import dcc support - re-add merge support - import anti-idle - import authenticators - support for multiple users at the same time (same process)?